Tag: Local Government

Ranger Rick: The new year brings lots of good news

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Happy New Year everyone! The winning just keeps happening. More people working, less people on unemployment, and profits are up. This is good news for African-Americans as the unemployment rate for blacks is the best since 2000, 7.3%. You would have thought the first black president would have helped the...
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2017: That was the year that was in NE Allegan County

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EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is a survey of the year 2017 and an analysis by the editor. Dorr Township’s fall from grace and relapse back into the land of bad government unfortunately was the No. 1 story of the now dearly departed...
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Bad local goverment practice rears its ugly head again

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. If there is such a thing as a contest among local government units for bad behavior, the winner thus far is Dorr Township, hands down. Dorr is so far ahead of everybody else in...
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One Small Voice: Sexual assault allegations — who’s next?

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by Lynn Mandaville In the land of hyperbole, Doug Jones, in a landslide victory, was victorious over Roy Moore to clinch the coveted senate seat in Alabama Tuesday, a seat made vacant when Jeff Sessions accepted appointment to the cabinet position of Attorney General for the Trump administration. In truth,...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Cannabis vote will be in November ’18

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I hereby offer my humble, but sincere apologies to the Watson Township Board and Planning Commission. I was wrong, and you were right. I publicly but incorrectly stated Wednesday and Thursday that the state-wide referendum on legalizing marijuana and regulating it like alcohol would be placed on the ballot for...
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Watson Twp. officials discuss medical marijuana ordinance

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Lori Castello of PCI explains issues and possibilities with a medical marijuana facility ordinance while Watson Trustee Churck Andrysiak listens. The special joint meeting Wednesday night of the Watson Township Board and Planning Commission on medical marijuana didn't produce any decisions except that work on crafting an ordinance would continue....
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Joshua Eggleston is Wayland’s new city manager

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The Wayland City Council Monday night to offer a contract for new city manager to Joshua Eggleston, administrator for the City of Durand, Wisc. Eggleston, one of three finalists interviewed for the job Saturday morning and afternoon, is being offered a salary of $82,500. If he agrees to terms, he...
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Gun Lake Tribe local revenue sharing eclipses $2 million

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Gun Lake Tribe Vice Chairman Ed Pigeon (left) and Wayland Township Supervisor Roger VanValkinburg hold a representation of the latest revenue sharing check. The Gun Lake Tribe today announced that fall revenue sharing payments to local municipalities totaled $2,117,954, an increase of 24 percent over last spring. The State of...
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Watson Twp. to take it slow on local medical pot ordinance

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Watson Township officials Thursday night indicated they'll be taking their time crafting a proposed ordinance to permit medical marijuana facilities within its borders. Township Board members heard from Trustee Chuck Andrysiak that the Planning Commission last month discussed the ordinance extensively and examined sample ordinances from elsewhere, but because state...
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Watson Township Board should heed Sir Edmund Burke

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“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” — Sir Edmund Burke Sir Edmund Burke This famous quote applies to members of the Watson Township Board. During the past two meetings, Supervisor Kevin Travis has been allowed free reign to appoint a...
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