Tag: Local Government

City Council sets strategic planning session for Feb. 4

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The Wayland City Council voted to have its annual strategic planning session at 7:30 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 4, at council chambers. Council members gather for a special meeting at about this time every year to discuss matters of local government and policies with the city manager, department heads and the...
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Wayland City officials pleased with another clean audit

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The Wayland City Council Monday night accepted a clean financial audit report from certified public accountant Peter Woldman. Woldman told council members that the city at the end of fiscal year 2015-16 had a fund balance of $1,661,446, or about 12% of the total budget of just over $10 million....
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Gun Lake Casino local revenue sharing $1.8 million

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The Gun Lake Tribe this morning announced details of its fall revenue sharing payments. The State of Michigan received $3,974,387, and the local revenue sharing board received $1,823,054. Gun Lake Investments (GLIMI), an economic development entity, received $1,192,316. The revenue sharing payments are distributed semi-annually under terms of the tribal-state...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Political fatigue overwhelms me

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"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." — Edmund Burke  Election results last week were disappointing for me on more than a few fronts, but perhaps the most troubling were developments involving inaction right here in Allegan County. I particularly cite Dorr Township, where the battles were bitter over...
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Watson, Wayland City, Twp. to take up dispensary issues

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Inquiries continue to come into area municipalities for prospective medical marijuana dispensary businesses in the wake of a new law passed by the State Legislature. Besides Watson Township, the City of Wayland and Wayland Township have been approached about potential businesses in those communities. Gov. Rick Snyder signed a bill...
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Four recommendations for Dorr Township races:

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor. “You’re running with a bad crowd.” — My fishing buddy Jim Wasserman, upon catching a trout in a chub-infested stream in 1978   My biggest takeway from the Dorr Township candidate forum was the...
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Has author’s prophetic ‘post fact’ society been realized?

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Shelly Sulser, former ace reporter in bygone days for me and now executive editor of the Battle Creek Shopper News, penned this timely letter this week and has granted me permission to reprint it. by Shelly Sulser Back in August of 2008, yours truly was executive news director...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: I really don’t think ‘they’ want us to vote

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I drop in every Wednesday afternoon at the venerable Then & Now historical library in Dorr, and in my more than four years of research, the most astonishing changes in public life over the years have been in elections, in participation in community affairs and in the explosion of girls...
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Watson supervisor’s race has Dem incumbent vs. GOP challenger

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Perhaps the most watched general election contest for township supervisor in these parts is in Watson Township Nov. 8. It is a rarity in that the incumbent is a Democrat and the challenger is a Republican. Pam Brown is seeking her second four-year term and faces opposition from Kevin Travis....
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Tiresome, ignorant fears about marijuana persist in these parts

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" story, it is an editorial by the editor. “…Your old road is rapidly agin' Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand For the times they are a' changin'!” — Bob Dylan Too many local officials in...
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