Tag: Local Government

Bygone Days: A brief look at the Wayland area’s past, Part 194

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25 Years Ago — Dec. 5, 1990 The archives from the Then & Now Historical Library this week did not have a copy of the Penasee Globe for that week. Therefore, this edition will have to be skipped. Hope springs eternal for resumption next week. 50 Years Ago — Dec....
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Marijuana exchange attorney proposes Martin alternative ordinance

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The continuing saga of a medical marijuana exchange in downtown Shelbyville is in a holding pattern again. Thomas Lavigne of Cannabis Counsel, attorney for CDXX Boutique owners Jerry Dan Patrick and Lisa Edwards, has proposed an ordinance for Martin Township to replace the ordinance the Planning Commission did not recommend...
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New wrinkle regarding 2007 ordinance could sink CDXX Boutique

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Though the Penasee Globe did not attend any of the meetings and has reported nothing about the CDXX Boutique medical marijuana exchange, it has supplied a new wrinkle that could sink the controversial service in downtown Shelbyville. Globe reporter Sherry Kuyt has unearthed information about a Martin Township ordinance adopted...
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Wayland City Manager Mike Selden leaving to take MTA post

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Wayland City Manager Mike Selden has announced he is leaving next month to become director of member information for the Michigan Townships Association in Lansing. Selden, who has been at Wayland since April 2012, told the City Council of his plans Monday night. He said he is pleased that he...
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Kevin Travis says he’s different from other 7 State Rep. candidates

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Though it’s been said that Republican Party candidates in primary elections are all same in their stands on issues, one of the eight who seek the GOP nomination for 80th District State Representative Nov. 3 says he’s different. Kevin Travis, who hails from Hopkins and actually lives in Watson Township,...
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Army Bob: The tyranny of the big box store is just a myth

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The "tyranny of big box stores" or mega-stores is a subject increasingly in the news. Indeed, a progressive columnist for this esteemed publication recently waxed eloquently about corporations that demand concessions in the form of roads, intersections, traffic lights and tax breaks from townships, cities and counties. In doing so...
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Army Bob: Climate change Chicken Littles have been around a long time

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My fellow veteran, friend and colleague Ranger Rick has written on this subject a number of times and suffered the slings and arrows of those who worship at the altar of climate change. I figure it is time to add a new voice to the controversy and take a bit...
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Democracy Tree: Big box store bullies hurting communities

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by Amy Kerr Hardin The 'Dark Store' bait and switch — A corporate scam Big box stores across Michigan are gaming the system on property taxes — threatening the core fiscal stability of townships in every corner of the state. Like the archetypal playground bully, major retailers are demanding tax...
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Democracy Tree: Do-nothing legislature’s approval ratings tanking

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by Amy Kerr Hardin Blame, only where blame is due As predicted, the dog and pony show known as the Courser-Gamrat Affair is slated to suck all the oxygen out of the State Legislature, preventing this already inept body from getting around to roads, among other apparently impossible legislative aerobic...
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Wayland schools’ credit rating downgrade may affect a bond

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The Wayland Union school district is one of 43 in Michigan whose credit ratings have been downgraded by Moody’s Investors Service. Wayland and Allegan both were downgraded from A1 to A2. Such downgrades can increase a district’s cost to borrow money, which may be problematic if Wayland continues on its...
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