Tag: Local Government

Fire accord near, but Hopkins Twp.-tribe legal fight persists

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An agreement between the  Gun Lake Tribe of Potowatmis and Hopkins Township Board on services by the Hopkins Area Fire Authority appears to be nearing ratification by both sides. Hopkins Township Supervisor Mark Evans told board colleagues Monday night that, "Things are looking good, according to (tribal representative) John Shagonaby....
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Long-awaited Big Lake drain project gets the green light

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Watson Township Hall will be the location for the Martin Board of Education meeting Sept. 16. An Allegan County Drain Commission Board of Determination hearing Monday night led to establishment of a drainage project for Big Lake in Watson Township. A packed house appeared at the Watson Township Hall to...
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Does Gun Lake Casino battle prejudice, discrimination?

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Molly Ivins ACHTUNG: The following is not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. “The purpose of gummint is to create a healthy bidness climate.” — The late, great columnist Molly Ivins, quoting a state lawmaker speaking in the Texas Leggie Ever since Ronald Reagan...
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Julia Sturvist chosen Wayland Main Street/DDA Director

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Julia Sturvist Julia Sturvist has been selected as the new Main Street/DDA Director, succeeding Ingrid Miller, who left last month to take a job in Grand Rapids. Sturvist received her bachelor’s degree in public and non-profit administration and will graduate with her master’s degree in public administration this December. She...
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Army Bob: Dorr term limits excuse to delete political enemies

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by Robert M. Traxler A recent editorial in Townbroadcast brought up the subject of service to our local governments in a discussion about who is qualified and how long folks should be allowed to serve our local, state, and national governments. The current term limits movement started in the 1990s....
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Yes It’s True: I was deceived on new fireworks law

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“No man, woman or child is safe as long as the State Legislature is in session.” — Tweaking quotes attributed to Mark Twain and Gideon Tucker. I apologize most sincerely to Townbroadcast readers for having a naive understanding of the Michigan Legislature’s “new and improved” fireworks law, passed late last...
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Roads program appreciated, but will damn roads get fixed?

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ACHTUNG: The following is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor. “Don’t pee on my shoes and then tell me it’s raining.” — Me State Re. Jack O'Malley gets an A for effort.   There were good and bad things I saw and heard...
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State Rep. says he’s got better ideas to fix the damn roads

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State Rep. Jack O'Malley and his three charts outlining his proposal to Wayland citizens. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s pledge to “fix the damn roads” was good politics, but the House Transportation Committee Chairman maintains he and his comrades have a better idea. State Rep. Jack O’Malley a Republican who represents the...
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Hopkins Twp., Gun Lake Tribe in talks on 3 issues

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Three different issues between the Gun Lake Tribe of Potowatmis and Hopkins Township Board continue to be subjects for negotiations. The three areas of contention are fire protection, distribution of funds by a Revenue Sharing Board and a proposal by the Tribe to take a 130-acre parcel in Hopkins into...
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‘Story of Us’ tradition may be in serious trouble here

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. A little more than seven years ago, I decided to try a bold experiment in community journalism — to create an all on-line newspaper. Obviously, this news source would not focus very much on...
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