Tag: Local Government

Bygone Days: A look at the past in NE Allegan County

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25 Years Ago — Feb. 23, 1994 Allegan County has earned an A1-plus rating from Standard & Poor’s financial rating agency. The Wayland City Council’s offer to settle a 10-year lawsuit with Westbury Apartments through the Michigan Tax Tribunal has been accepted. The city’s counter offer is $24,000 per unit...
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City Council failed to solve a problem in subdivision

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. I have long maintained that the two most important functions of elected government are to solve problems and be a fair referee. Unfortunately, I found the Wayland City Council lacking in its performance last...
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Trash vs. recycling — Penny wise and pound foolish

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The "Reimagine Trash" project was outlined for members of the Dorr Township Planning Commission last Tuesday evening. ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" story. It is an editorial by the editor. "Penny wise and pound foolish" is an ancient saying from Merry Olde England that describes the process...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Globe’s death was slow and painful

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"Pay attention... and connect the dots." — My customary advice to anyone who will listen. I am surprised so many are surprised with the demise of the Penasee Globe at the end of this month. This was a slow-motion death of an American institution — the weekly community newspaper. Anyone...
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Gun Lake Casino shares $2.26 million locally

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The Gun Lake Casino revenues to the Local Revenue Sharing board totaled more than $2.26 million for the period from April 1 to Sept. 30 this year. The State of Michigan received $5,221,249, and GLIMI, an economic development entity, received $1,566,375. “This revenue sharing distribution validates development decisions made by...
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Dorr likely to join Martin Twp. vs. pot businesses

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Terry Rios The recreational marijuana ballot proposal in the Nov. 6 general election was passed statewide, but local municipalities already are showing they want nothing to do with allowing the sale, cultivation and distribution of pot within their borders. Dorr Township appears poised to be the latest local unit of...
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Deja vu: Martin Twp. rejects local marijuana again

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It was almost three years ago that the Martin Township Board voted unanimously to adopt an ordinance forbidding marijuana to be exchanged in downtown Shelbyville. It was virtually deja vu all over again Wednesday night when the board decided to have its township attorney craft an ordinance to prohibit the...
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Bygone Days: A look at the history of NE Allegan County

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(Taken from the archives at the Then & Now Historical Library in downtown Dorr) 25 Years Ago — Oct. 13, 1993 Word on the street is that an Allegan resident plans to buy the aging and deteriorating Carriage Stop restaurant in downtown Martin and have it moved, eventually to become...
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Ranger Rick: We pay more in taxes than food, clothing

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In our everyday world of work and making a living and everyday life, we hardly look at the "Big Picture."By that I mean the civic duty we all have to bow to the taxman. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans on average spent more on taxes than on...
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There should be no right to telemarket, to huckster

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Leighton and Dorr Township Boards have been grappling with a solicitation ordinance, seemingly with the belief that hucksters have a right to annoy homeowners by attempting to sell them things they don't need. I suppose I will be regarded as as Libtard by some of my right-wing "friends," but I...
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