Tag: Plan Commission

Faith-based plans to treat eating issues face NIMBY

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Digital Camera A group of local businessman wants to open a faith-based treatment center for girls with eating disorders on 144th Avenue near Hillcrest Drive in Dorr, but they’ll have to overcome NIMBY first. The concept of NIMBY (Not in my back yard) presented some pushback Tuesday night for plans,...
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City Council pressured to adopt golf cart ordinance

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Does the squeaky wheel indeed get the grease? Nearly 40 people packed the City Hall Council Chambers Monday night to advocate for a local ordinance permitting use of off-road vehicles (ORVs) or golf carts within the city limits. However, city officials are insisting that it must be clear whether the...
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Steve Stepek appointed to open Wayland Council seat

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Steve Stepek, executive director of the Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study, was appointed to a vacant seat on the Wayland City Council Monday night. Stepek, who has served on the City Planning Commission for about two years, fills a seat vacated by former Mayor Pro Tem Jennifer Antel, who resigned to...
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Blight continues to be a big headache in Watson Twp.

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Outgoing Zoning Enforcement Officer Marnie Mills and incoming Evan Stuart. Rural blight is a very old issue, and Watson Township has been trying to find a way to best handle enforcement. The Township Board Thursday evening learned that enforcement officer Marnie Mills has resigned her part-time position after about a...
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Old Leighton air park issue resurfaces after 4-year lull

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Kate Scheltema Clark Galloway Though a proposal for an air park (or airport) was approved by voters in the 2018 August primary, the project’s most vocal opponent was back in front of the Leighton Township Board Thursday night to express concerns, Kate Scheltema, co-owner of a horse farm next door,...
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City Council has 1st reading of marijuana ordinance

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The Wayland City Council Tuesday evening had the first readings of two proposed ordinances dealing with the licensing and regulation of marijuana businesses. The next step is the second readings and vote to adopt or not adopt the ordinances, which earned the recommendation from the City Planning Commission a couple...
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Dorr Plan Commission OKs recommending master plan

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About a year after winning approval from Dorr Township, Copart now is moving dirt at the site of a combination auto salvage yard and on-line sales business just east of the U.S.-131 expressway on 142nd Avenue next to the township's water tower. The Dorr Township Planning Commission Tuesday night adopted a...
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Leighton may hike support for softball park in Moline

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12th Street will be closed Monday, June 13, at its intersection with Division just north of Moline. The Moline softball park, officially known as George Schrotenboer Field, Thursday night sought help with its infrastructure from the Leighton Township Board. Ken Ritz, a longtime board member for the park, said some...
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‘Uninvited wildlife’ causes council meeting relocation

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The Wayland City Council had a change of venue Monday night, meeting at the fire barn instead of the customary council chambers in the back of City Hall. City Manager Josh Eggleston blamed the situation on “uninvited wildlife,” including a dead bat that invaded the upper portions of the more...
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Dorr Plan Commission OKs special use for dog kennel

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Digital Camera The Dorr Township Planning Commission Tuesday evening voted 6-0 to grant a special use permit to Daniel Noorman and Stacy Miller to allow their property to have kennels for up to eight dogs at 1430 138th Ave. Professional Code Inspections described the property as being in a low...
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