Tag: Plan Commission

Watson Plan Commission approves Internet tower

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The Watson Township Planning Commission last month approved a special use permit for Michwave Technologies to put up the tower for rural high-speed Internet use at the property on 1965 116th Ave. near M-222. The company installed the tower, estimated at 140 feet high on private property, but needed formal...
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Four recommendations for Dorr Township races:

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor. “You’re running with a bad crowd.” — My fishing buddy Jim Wasserman, upon catching a trout in a chub-infested stream in 1978   My biggest takeway from the Dorr Township candidate forum was the...
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Recommendations: If I could vote in Nov. 8 election

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor. Dorr Township Trustee John Tuinstra recently circulated a flyer recommending trustee candidates for the Nov. 8 election. I’m doing the same on a larger scale, prompted by my motto: “I report what I see...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Dorr Twp. political circus is back

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The political tempest that was so rampant in Dorr Township a few year ago appears to have been reignited this week by one its protaganists. Trustee John Tuinstra has been circulating by mail not only a pamphlet promoting his Nov. 8 general election candidacy, but also assertions attacking fellow Trustees...
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Dorr Township Plan Commission re-elects officers

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The Dorr Township Planning Commission unanimously elected all officers and noted tentative plans to have the seven-member group restored to full strength. Re-elected were Chairman Robert Wagner, Vice Chairman Robert Traxler and Secretary Rich Osbun. Dan Beute was selected as the backup secretary to record minutes in the event Osbun...
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Watson supervisor’s race has Dem incumbent vs. GOP challenger

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Perhaps the most watched general election contest for township supervisor in these parts is in Watson Township Nov. 8. It is a rarity in that the incumbent is a Democrat and the challenger is a Republican. Pam Brown is seeking her second four-year term and faces opposition from Kevin Travis....
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Dorr Twp. candidate forum features independent candidates

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Though there is no general election for local offices between Republicans and Democrats Nov. 8, Dorr Township will have a candidate’ forum from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, Oct. 24, at the township hall. The event will feature five Republican officials, four of them incumbents, and challengers with no party...
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Planning Commission was unfairly stereotyped on pot issue

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As chairperson of the Wayland Planning Commission I see it as my responsibility to defend the Planning Commission when it is wrongly portrayed in the media. The editorial made some over-generalizations that do not reflect accurately on what transpired at the meeting. The planning commission did not “parrot” opposition. In...
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Tiresome, ignorant fears about marijuana persist in these parts

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ACHTUNG: This is not a "fair and balanced" story, it is an editorial by the editor. “…Your old road is rapidly agin' Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand For the times they are a' changin'!” — Bob Dylan Too many local officials in...
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Incumbent Evans facing nonpartisan opponent in Hopkins Twp.

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Though it’s a race between an incumbent Republican and a previously defeated opponent with no party affiliation, the Nov. 8 general election contest for township seems unusually interesting. Mark Evans, who is completing his 20th year as supervisor, is opposed by independent Calvin Tuinstra, who has larger than usual number...
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