Tag: School Board

Bygone Days: A brief look at Wayland area history, Part 158

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25 Years Ago — March 28, 1990 The Wayland Township Planning Commission told petitioner Ron Heilman that it cannot grant tax property relief for his 40-acre “wildlife preserve” site on 127th Avenue and First Street. Mayor Linden Anderson and council members Mike DeWerd, David Miller and Marie Hall all were...
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Wayland school board agrees to build 2nd baseball field

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Detroit News staff writer Tony Paul, a graduate of Wayland High School, has reported today that the Wayland Board of Education has decided to include a new baseball field on its list of capital improvements this year to be funded. The school district was acting less than a week after...
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Wayland School Board gets legal opinion on Title IX complaint

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The Wayland Board of Education Monday night went into closed session to consider a written legal opinion from its attorney about a Title IX civil rights complaint filed last week by former board member Shelly Salisbury Whitley. Whitley last Tuesday filed her complaint with the Office of Civil Rights in...
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Monday Moan: School board learns unintended consequences rule

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By Jeff Salisbury jeffsalisbury@charter.net In the social sciences, unintended consequences are outcomes that are not the ones intended by a purposeful action. The term was popularised in the 20th century by American sociologist Robert K. Merton. (Wikipedia) “Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried Alice — Lewis Carroll Things do seem to be...
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Wayland school board has a flurry of meetings recently

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There appears to be a flurry of meetings activity for the Wayland Board of Education in the wake of former board member Shelly Whitley’s filing a civil rights complaint against the district. The school board had a special meeting Monday, March 16, committee meetings Tuesday, March 17, and Thursday, March...
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The real issue: Athletic justice delayed is justice denied

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ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor. A tangled web is being weaved after former Wayland Board of Education Shelly Whitley filed a complaint against the schools for violating federal Title IX provisions. It seems Whitley filed the action for two...
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Bygone Days: A brief look at Wayland area’s past, Part 157

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25 Years Ago — March 21, 1990 Wayland school teachers were docked a day’s pay for taking part in a one-day protest by not showing up to an in-service workshop. Teachers were protesting what they believed to be a lack of support for English teacher Denise Klinge, who was victimized...
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Civil rights complaint filed against Wayland school district

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Former Wayland Board of Education member Shelly Salisbury Whitley has filed a Title IX civil rights complaint against the Wayland School District. She and her husband, Aaron, both Wayland High School graduates, filed their discrimination complaints Tuesday with the Michigan Department of Civil Rights and with federal Office for Civil...
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Monday Moan: Wayland should reject early college proposal

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By Jeff Salisbury jeffsalisbury@charter.net The Wayland school board will conduct itsr second of three March board meetings focusing on the 2015-16 budget – in this case, a 6 p.m. work session tonight at the Administration offices. Last week, readers will recall, I urged the board to focusing on some very...
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Wayland School Board cautiously endorses ECAC program

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All seven members of the Wayland Board of Education Monday night cautiously voted to endorse the Early College/Allegan County program through Lake Michigan College. Through the ECAC, students can graduate high school with an associate’s degree, beginning this fall with about 50 students, perhaps as many as 10 students in...
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