Former United Auto Workers President Owen Bieber died Monday. He was 90.

Son Ken Bieber of Dorr said his father “passed away just before noon today. His health has been going down for some time but he recently fell and was not able to recover from that due to other complications such as kidney failure, congestive heart failure and dementia.

“He lived a long, good life and was able to be of help and service to many people over the years.”

Bieber was president of the UAW for 12 years, longer than anyone except Walter Reuther. from May 1983 to June 1995.

Son Ron Bieber, president of Michigan’s AFL-CIO, sais, “He led the UAW at a challenging time for auto workers and all working people, and he fought for social change in this country and around the world. His loss is felt deeply by his family and all of those whose lives he touched. Owen Bieber left behind a world that is better off because of his activism and dedication to service to others.”

Bieber was born in North Dorr in December 1929.


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