by Barry Hastings

It’s nice being a Democrat, ’cause I can Muckrakeronly remember one ticket (to the presidency) I’ve had doubts about…  Kerrey/Edwards. And it wasn’t the presidential nominee I distrusted. John Edwards reminded me (almost first sight) of an up-dated Spiro Agnew, Too damned slick, for a Demo.

I’ve been blessed with a pretty good eye for phonies. That’s what muckrakers do. It’s also endemic among us to love the quirky things people do (though so much of it is tragic and counter productive), and to zealously harbor “abiding hope.”

Bernie may be the real deal. I like the enthusiasm of his young “believers.” Kinda reminiscent of the later 1960s, and early ’70s. My personal belief is, Hillary will beat him soundly, Democrats will coalesce to keep any of that frightening crew over in right field from making a bad world situation worse. But should Bernie win out — “Well, Far Out!!” Democrats will coalesce to keep any of that frightening crew over in right field from making a bad world situation, worse. And, it goes without saying, both, or either, would make “uuUUuuge” efforts on behalf of “regular” folks.

Dear Jeb: When you claimed, “One thing I know about my brother is, he kept us safe,” you put the barrel in your ear, and pulled the trigger. Have you looked at what’s happening from Africa to Afghanistan? That’s what your brother did. I’d guess he ranks quite low on the public’s scale of accomplishment for former presidents. A liar, a dunce, a phony, a crappy leader, and a grossly manipulated man.

I got big kick out of Trump’s oft repeated claim (before a herd of lowans), “Putin loves me, he thinks I’m a genius.” No, Donald, Putin has read you as an easily deceived fool, with a uuUUuuge ego, and uuUUuuger mouth. The true inheritor of Joseph Stalin’s corrupt police state, Putin has a calculating mind, zero good intent, and wouldn’t suck up to you publicly unless he plans to abuse you. As Admiral Nelson was wont to say, “You may rely upon it.”

The Russians, right now, are forcing the West (USA/NATO) into major realignment of forces from the Baltic Sea and Norse countries, down through Eastern Europe, into the Mediterranean Sea. Our military is shrinking, and it ain’t Qbama’s fault. In the North, the bears are constantly probing air defenses of Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, threatening the Baltic States. It’s an ongoing situation laced with danger, as Turks demonstrated to Russians a few weeks ago. Russians think any territory they’ve enslaved in the past, should be theirs forever. For ever. Every bit of money we spend in SyriLarry Hampa, is neutralized by Russia’s willingness to use overwhelming power in assisting Assad. More, and worse, is coming, unless we put on our pants, start making them react to our actions.

We’re being forced to move large naval forces (and concurrent shore-based support units) back into the Med. But here’s the big thing — Putin outfoxed and outbluffed us in Crimea; then he was into Syria like a flash, already having installed much military infrastructure there over some years. Now he’s basically bought and paid for the place.

When people like Putin (Alexander, Attila, Bonaparte, Kaiser Bill, Stalin, Hitler,) get on a roll, they tend (historically speaking) to grow more adventurous, more dangerous. We humiliated the Soviet state Putin loved and emulates. His memory is long. Be wary.

I’ll bet Gov. Rick Snyder is soooo happy to have been tied up with work on his budget. It was great cover for his strong desire to deflect questioning on anything having to do with Eastern Michigan. He’s such a pathetic doink. He won’t get out of Michigan without some form of public censure. He ought to be ashamed, and, he acts like he is. Kinda” John Edwardsy, though. He did it, was “in the know” or instigator of serious, perhaps criminal conduct. He deserves what censure he gets.

Well now, they’re beginning to fall like ten-pins; Graham crept out like a mouse in a cat house. It looks like Jeb Bush may be on the verge of creeping out like a mouse in a mansion. Ben Carson (as his overall ignorance becomes more apparent) will soon be choked out for want of money, and wonder of wonders, Chris Christie, as unobtrusively as possible at 400 pounds, has announced his plod for the presidency is over. I can’t imagine the ego that could have persuaded him he’d be an attractive candidate, carrying 400 pounds of blubber around, and still finding energy to treat citizens like dirt.

“Sit down, and shut up!” came back to haunt him like a late-night pizza — deservedly so. After his attempted hug of Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, I thought he’d give up on the hug routine. But a film clip from primary day in New Hampshire portrayed him trying to get his arms around two young female primary voters. Both appeared very uncomfy under the squeezing folds of… well, fat. He was second least likeable among Republicans plodding this campaign season, (Though, in truth, none of them appear at all competent, to Moi.) Cruz (the walking, talking dead), and “tape-loop” Rubio will soon follow (hopefully). Oh, yeah, Carley Fiorino bagged it all, as well. Deeply disappointed, I’m sure, but not very good at connecting with “regular” folks.

It does seem like Trump is going to get the GOP nod, and will have to absorb the defeat to follow. “What!” you ask? Sure Republicans will vote for him (most of ’em anyway – they know of nothing better). But Democrats will swarm to the polls to keep such a big-mouthed phony from sullying the White House aura for eons. (As though Nixon, Reagan and Dubya hadn’t done enough ‘sullying.’)

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