by Barry Hastings

I’d like to connect you with a booMuckrakerk that will, perhaps, open your eyes, regarding the new 100-year war we’re fighting (though very incompetently) at the moment. If you don’t read further, remember the name of this book, and please, read it — Sir Basil Liddell Hart’s, “‘Strategy: The Indirect Approach,” a book of military truths and proofs, still highly relevant, though seemingly forgotten, years ago, by those at our military academies. For reinforcement of Hart’s message, look at General W. T. Sherman’s Civil War campaign through Georgia, South and North Carolina.

The fastest way to do this, is through the middle section of Victor Davis Hanson’s “The Soul of Battle” entitled The Army of the West” It’s a highly readable, and very informative synopsis of what occurred across three rebellious states, in 1864-65. I sincerely hope you’ll read it, then pass it along.

I can tell you truthfully, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld violated every precept of successful strategy attacking Iraq while opening Pandora’s Box in the Middle East. My best guess is, as bright as you are, you’ll leave these books a much better-informed person. Where the principles recited and demonstrated in Hart’s work have been adhered to, failure has seldom occurred.

My own feeling is that this Middle East War on Terror is not winnable the way we’re running it; and our military is more interested in “blooding” their young field officers, than in getting this behind us.

My own ideas regarding this problem, are thus: Bring another aircraft carrier, maybe two, into the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Add a couple more by adding one from Britain, one from France. Coordinate their actions, bring them into play and range at the same time. Attack widespread targets in 8, 10, or more locations, and in the wee hours of very early morning with, not scores, but hundreds of naval and land-based attack aircraft and bomb them in wide-spread air assault. Then, very shortly thereafter, hit selected locales with hundreds of Seals, Green Berets, Rangers, and European air-mobile forces while the enemy is still reeling from bombing attacks. Kill as many of them as you can find.

Now that would be surprise they’d not soon forget. The secret, the necessity, is to keep it up, not ever letting them regain equanimity. Fifteen years of the crap we’ve been putting up with from these bastards is 14 years and 11 months too long. Let them learn no virgins await them after death, and Hell is where they’re standing.

If such a move is not possible, we’re not ready for the world we’re living in. Frederick the Great once wrote, “Little minds try to defend everything at once, but sensible people look at the main point only; parrying the worst blows, and standing a little hurt, to avoid a greater one. If you try to hold everything, you hold nothing.”

A hundred and fifty (or so) years later, German Field Marshal Baron von der Goltz made another, critical,observation: “He who stays on the defensive does not wage war, he endures it.” Enough said.

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and bunch of Technocrat Generals at the Pentagon, created a mess in Iraq that’s spread across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East from the Atlantic Ocean to Afghanistan. The Petraeous surge in Iraq, was like throwing water on a grease-fire. Unless we want to live with religious warfare for the next hundred years, we’d best straighten this mess out. These enemies understand only force. So force them.

It’s hard to believe (but absolutely true) that after so many vicious attacks on France, Belgium, Great Britain, Spain, other Europeans, over the past 10-12 years, intel communities of those nations continue to nix exchanging, sharing intelligence info. I’m telling you, such refusals are downright suicidal. The same message applies to our (numerous) intel agencies (all 17/18 of ’em). Had they been cooperating with one another at turn of this century, 9-11-’01 would have been nipped before it got off the ground. (Unless, as a friend of mine insists, Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld were behind it.)

Larry HampA few words on religion, and the religious

Most important thing happening here in America is the fundamentalist religious right’s effort to rise above all other religious belief, or absence thereof, to a position of religious supremacy over-riding the beliefs of all who believe otherwise. Contrary to the opinion of Christian religious-right wing-nuts, Freedom of Religion means freedom for all religions as well as freedom from religion.

For myself, I have to say I’ve always considered organized religion the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind and the greatest cause of animosity, strife, war and persecution on this earth. In other words, it’s far from what “the Christ” prescribed. (I think he’d pee his pants if he saw these mega-million dollar tabernacles built, and being built, in his name.) If he’s there (which I doubt to the point of disbelief) most of you right-wingers are hell bent, and hell bound. Truth is, I don’t think the devil, if he’s there (which I doubt to the point of disbelief), would let you in. You’re too damned troublesome, carry too much hate.

Georgia, Georgia, just the same old song keeps Georgia on my mind

The big problem with Georgia is that Uncle Billy Sherman didn’t flatten the whole place (instead of just a 60-mile wide swath across it), and drive the entire population into the sea.

The legislature there passed and the governor asked to sign, a new law limiting rights of the LGBT community. Hundreds of businesses (including the Atlanta NFL Falcons, and many more very wealthy corporations) are threatening to pull-out of the state. He very wisely decided against it.

I hoped he did sign it, because doing so will certainly arouse interest of the federal court system, and (almost certainly) a stinging federal rebuke. (I’m so sick of these intolerant bastards.) Sometimes it’s very difficult to believe we’re living in the 21st century.

If you’re interested in the civil rights of all Americans, STOP VISITING OR VACATIONING IN NORTH CAROLINA, OR SPENDING MONEY THERE. If you’re traveling to Florida, load up on gas and food north of the Georgia border, and drive straight through. Don’t, for any reason, spend a penny in this Hell-Hole.


Jon Gambee
April 4, 2016
What? You've never heard of Marine Recon Forces? You can have the Seals, Rangers and all those other outfits, the best fighting men in the world are Marine Recon fighters. Send in Recon and you will need 10 percent of the other forces you mentioned. Just don't let any media accompany them. They won't like what they see and America won't like what they report.
Free Market Man
April 4, 2016
Well you had my attention speaking of Victor David Hanson writings, and your analysis of Middle East war making, then you veered into idiocy and lunacy. I only read your column to get a laugh, but your vitriol and hate make you a hard read. I don't know why you can't understand any state determining their own laws or lack thereof, whether you agree with them or not. That is the whole idea of state government - self determination with the support of representative of the people. Barry, you're crazy as a loon.
Robert M Traxler
April 4, 2016
Like your concept to bomb ISIS/ISIL then follow up with ground attacks; the problem is the ISIS/ISIL folks stay intertwined with civilian non-combatants. Would you accept many hundreds of civilian casualties and the propaganda value it would have in the Muslim world? When your plan is executed and assuming it works then what? ISIS/ISIL still owns the ground and has a base of operations and funding. Coalition assets would not hold the ground afterwards and the wounded and homeless civilians would have only ISIS/ISIL to turn to for help. The operation as you envision it would be complex with many moving parts and a logistical nightmare; I have always said amateurs study tactics and professionals study logistics. Such a complex operation with a multi-national force would have a good bit of unintended consequences; coordination would be a large problem. The direct fire support necessary: AC-130, attack helicopter, A-10 and others would be a separate enormous logistical challenge, assuming the assets are even available. The refueling operations at the low levels and speeds helicopters operate are a massive risk to both fixed wing and rotary wing assets, especially when done on the scale you advocate. The “Blackhawk Down” incident would be replayed a number of times. As a good loving kind liberal who is tolerant of others, you hate all Christians? You hate all right wing folks and all the folks who live in South Carolina? Please tell us how that is tolerance. We cannot judge all Muslims by the actions of a few, but you judge all Christians by the actions of a few? Please look up the word hypocrite. Love all you good folks on the left; you do all the same horrible things you accuse the right of doing but are blind to your unquestionable intolerance.

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