by Barry Hastings

After many years oMuckrakerf poisoning the political atmosphere of Michigan, Herr
Governor Rick Snyder has now turned to poisoning people — from very young, to
the very old; from those previously afflicted with serious health problems, to
those previously in good health, as well.

As you’d expect, his first test of the project’s infrastructure has been in a city lately reminiscent (in appearance and general economic condition) of European industrial cities at the close of World War II. Flint, Michigan, is scene of the first mass poisoning. So far, some 400 children there are known to be affected. More will follow, and soon, as the water continues flowing.

In Flint, the two-months-long test involved channeling lead-laced Flint River water into a water supply system (previously not good, but better) serving the entire population of a problematic (and heavily Democratic) citizenry. The city now fearfully awaits final results of the trial run. If successful, his plans may call for similar experiments in Detroit (and suburbs), Monroe, Benton Harbor, Battle Creek, Pontiac, Ypsilanti, and a large chunk of Grand Rapids east of U.S. 131, as well as smaller black population areas like Bitely, Baldwin, Idlewild, and Peacock.

(Rumor has it Herr Snyder’s staff is now studying other parts of the state populated by transient Hispanics, other non-natives (of a different hue), most foreigners, and including the state’s indigenous people. The Herr calls it “problem-solving,” I call it, “Herr Schneider’s Final Solution.” Since the lead problem was discovered in Flint (no credit for revealing the problem to the Governor or his crew), the city, which normally records a dozen cases of Legionaire Disease (an often fatal form of pneumonia) per year, has been plagued with 87 cases in less than two months.

In a more serious vein, the jerk (Herr Snyder) and his staff knew about lead in Flint’s water for close to two months, but tried to keep a lid on the problem until last month. Now the feds are looking at the problem, and at Herr Snyder’s role in the coverup. There’s a whole litany of crimes against our state’s citizens in his recent past, and I intend to recite as much of it as I can recall.

(If we locked-up all the bums in suits, we’d have to release most of the bums in prison orange. So if you don’t like to hear, or see, ugly stuff about RepuLarry Hampblican SNAFU’s, FUBAR’s, carelessness, incompetence. . .  stop reading right here.)

Our Governor, Flint and Detroit have made national news broadcasts for several days running, and I expect to see a lot more of all three in weeks (months?) to come. Keep your eyes (and ears) on NPR, PBS, CBS, NBC, and ABC (it’s even making waves among those cable-news twits so many of you swear by). These are not the kind of reporters you find at the Hastings Banner (or M-Live, for that matter). No sir, when they get on a scent they believe could lead to downfall of a jerk (or jerks), they just keep baying and yipping.

Yeah, they’re on the scent — big ol’ floppie-eared bloodhounds — barking, and (hopefully) biting. One reporter said, earlier this week, he believes the Herr will go down in history as, “The man who poisoned children,” to save a few bucks. Another said he, “Didn’t believe this could (or would) have happened to a ‘white’ community like Grand Rapids, or smaller West Michigan cities.”

You’ve all seen news film of what’s going on in Flint, and of the shabby (ratty) conditions in Detroit schools. If those kids were your kids. . .  well, you’d be howling. But what Republicans say to themselves is, “Hell, it’s only a bunch of black kids who’d, likely enough, end up on the dole, anyway — increase the dosage!”

Well, I’m sick to death of the Herr, the legislative Herren, and his whining, lying (“Right to Work isn’t on my agenda”), geeky, voice, and the gang of lying thugs, worn-out sex kittens, other (coarser) types in our state legislature.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, the Horse’s Hindquarters, Bill Schuette, leaps into the fray, announcing he’ll launch an investigation into the situation at Flint, to determine if there’s been any, “wrong-doing.” Oh boy, Republicans investigating Republican wrongdoing. What they really need is a hell of a good wall-paper hanger, and some thick, very heavy paper. Hey! You can shoot all the little kids you want to, but poison, why. . .  that’s un-American.

Surprize! Our GOP legislators just “found” another $300,000 “left over” from last year’s budget. How much do they know about their budget, when they keep finding big chunks of cash “left over from last year’s budget?” This is at least the second time it’s happened — maybe the third — this year.

Liars, liars, liars – all of ’em, and thieves, many. And, it’s so obvious, they deeply believe in your stupidity. . .  as much as I believe in their cupidity. (All evidence supports their trust in the uncaring you.)

As an afterthought, I notice the GOP answer to President Obama’s State of the Union address was delivered by South Carolina’s Governessor, in English. But a much different reply was simultaneously delivered, in Spanish, varying greatly in content and context, for Hispanic voters. It played-down the differing positions of GOP Presidential candidates on the “Jewish (er,) Hispanic Question.” (It’s very difficult to keep your thoughts separated when you’re dealing with fascists). None of the Spanish, or English editions, would in any way benefit Hispanic people. Well, I’ve always maintained, “Republicans speak with forked-tongues.”

And I also see stockbrokers and money managers are advising investors to, “not let the ‘shaky’ (their word, not mine) market alter their long-term investment plans.” (Remember, it’s when the investors get nervous and begin selling, the brokers and bankers start going ‘belly-up.’) Better you, than them.

Wouldn’t you really love to see someone tell Chris Christie to, “Sit down, and shut up,” just to see if he could raise his obscenely obese body from a chair? The American people deserve to know!

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