by Barry Hastings

Muckraker, . . , (with apologies to Hank Williams Sr.). The (once) great political party of Abe Lincoln is rapidly becoming the laughing-stock, not only of America, but of the whole, wide, world.

Bring on the Trump — Hillary will swamp him like a tsunami, beating him with her own efforts, and those of the few Republicans who still love America. As Hillary observed (after showing Bernie why he should “hang it up” in South Carolina), “there’s no need to make America great again — America has always been great!” The GOP is a party that’s been decaying (like a corpse) ever since these wretched, racist Tea Party twits began hindering government operations in towns, counties, cities, states, the Congress and the Oval Office.

The old-line GOP is desperate to stop ‘the Donald,’ before he destroys the trashy, racist bunch they represent, and the rest of the party as well. But, troubling as Trump is to everyone with a working brain, they’re so badly splintered (despite all the $$ of their many Political Action Committees), they’re unable to derail his blatantly destructive attack on historic American values. There are just too many racist Republicans offering the same old same old. It’s a party that began turning to the ‘Right’ (on the road to Hell) almost immediately after the great (and very recently re-elected) President Lincoln’s assassination, and shortly after his leadership helped kick hell out of the very racists of which the party is now (largely) comprised.

Name (if you can) one of the old “Secesh” states that hasn’t (in the very recent past) passed at least one bill in its state legislature trying to curb voting rights of black and/or Brown Americans, or, through Gerrymandering districts, of Democrats. Ditto for many northern states they now control, as well, including ours. They are, if you’ll pardon my French, a piss-poor bunch of twerps – in our state, a piss-poor bunch of child-poisoning twerps, who show few (if any) signs of conscience or remorse. (A bit more on this further on.)

They’re frantically trying everything but working together to run Trump out of the presidential contest – it’s a very real manifestation of the bad habit they got into trying, from day one (and not always successfully), to gum-up the works for President Obama. Remember what the hippies used to say, “What goes around, comes around.” One way or another, Trump, Cruz, or Kasich, they’re all (the whole kit and kaboodle) rapidly losing credibility with everyone but the reddest of rednecks. What goes around, does comes around. I’m thinking we’ll see a Goldwater-type landslide defeat ahead for them.

On Sunday (Feb. 28) Trump complained about being audited by the IRS “every year” for “ten or twelve years,” when his “very wealthy friends have not ever been audited,” and “don’t even know what I’m talking about when I complain about it.” Well, Donald, few people in America have been through bankruptcy as many times, or ruined the lives of so many thousands of investors. He wrecked many more lives with his (so-called) ‘Trump University.” Of course there are others who’ve done more harm. . . , but not many. The trouble with Donald (so obvious to the educated, not so much to the ignorant) is, he’s all bull — no substance. Believe me, Putin would shred him in very short order. That despite his pathetic claim, “Putin loves me. . .  and he thinks I’m a genius.”

Marco Rubio, on the other hand, has claimed that Trump will never be the nominee, “of the party of Lincoln and Reagan.” Well, first of all, I’m here to tell you the party of Reagan has never been, will never be, the party of Lincoln, and never could be. (But Trump could very easily be the GOP presidential nominee, and likely will be.)

Lincoln was a thinker and a doer, Reagan an idiot braggart, who frequently consulted psychics (through his idiot wife), and his bark was much (far) worse than his bite. Ask (the now dead) Khadafy, ineffectively attacked by Reagan all those years ago, resulting only in the bombing death of his pretty-much blameless step-daughter (or was it a daughter-in-law?). (Good god-a-mighty, I get so sick of these ReLarry Hamppublicans, always re-writing history in their ongoing quest to corral votes of the ignorant.)

Then the news last February, the Donald told national news media, “I don’t even know who David Duke is!” after the long-time leader of the KKK endorsed him for the presidency. It’s kinda hard to believe, but not all that different from much of what the constantly lying  big-haired ass has trumpeted all across the nation. Duke has been a feature-actor in extreme-right “hate politics” for at least a third of a century. A disgusting man, who operates among the most hate-filled folks in America. Strangely, just a few days before, Trump appeared (on air) to know exactly who, and what, Duke is. Well, that’s Donald – anything, anyone, for another vote.

Movin’ on. Obfuscator Extraordinaire

Of course I’m speaking of our lying Governor, Herr Schnieder, who already stands convicted (of incompetence) by a good deal of his own e-mail, and if justice is truly served, will end his life a convicted felon. How did this foolish nerd ever build a successful company? Not through honest effort, it would seem from his performance as governor.

Strange it is how many GOP office-holders end life carrying the title “felon.” Stranger still, that these badly misinformed, and mostly ignorant, twits keep demonstrating how, and why, they’ll always be a Minority Party. Through insanely misdirected efforts of those like Snider, Cruz, Kasich and Trump, they may well, and soon, go extinct. Get along on with it! Party of Reagan, racism, and hate, is my take on them.

On another front, I was gladdened to learn the young girl shot and badly wounded in Kalamazoo by a cowardly rat, and the young woman thrice wounded protecting several young children, have been steadily improving. Their lives will never be comfortable again, but the rotten bastard who shot them will be rotting in prison. It’s much better than killing him — he’ll deservedly die a little every day. I see he did bring about a huge rise in area gun sales, over 70 percent in one area, and a whole raft of similar shootings (killings) did follow in the aftermath.

1 Comment

Robert M Traxler
April 19, 2016
Party of hate? Did you read your own column, this column? It is one long display of hate. You, sir, do the same thing you accuse the Republicans of doing; please read your hate filled rant again. You sir are an old man full of hate.

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