
If you take a careful look at the United States Constitution, you’ll soon see there’s nothing there allowing wishes of the religious fringes to over-ride rights of any others, despite strident cries from bishops, screaming preachers, and hate-mongers of many hues. First thing the founders thought of, was not “religious rights.” It was of keeping organized religion from cLarry Hampreating the chaotic 100-plus years of savage warfare here, they’d created in the old world. “There shall be no religious test to hold public office” and, “There shall be no State Religion.”

Wow! President Barack Obama emerged from several trying weeks like a champ. He handled many and varied tasks, trials and tragedy with fortitude, dignity, and (see the now famous podcast) forthrightness. About, and in Charleston, he was superbly human, touching, real. Relief at two Supreme Court rulings (Equal Marriage Rights and Health Care) was clearly visible in his carriage, general appearance, and the spring in his step. He’s lost five of the years he aged, 2008 – 2015. I expect Republicans will get a belly-full of him (with help from HRC) over the next 18 months. It’s long past-due.

After the third disaster in a year for Spacex, I’m wondering why they broke NASA into privatized corporate dens of thieves in the first place. No other part of our government has added so much to the sum of human knowledge (though a large number of flat-earth blockheads continue in denial).

Former Spook/Admiral ‘Mike’ Morell, on the CBS Morning News (Charley Rose), told the broadcast newsman he believes that tomorrow, July 7, 2015, “It’s likely we’ll be here talking about a terrorist attack (here) over the Fourth of July weekend.” Direct quote.

I have to admit my joy when Lindsey Graham, shortly after the Charleston shootings, explained presence of the ‘rebel’ battle flag on state capitol grounds saying, “Eit just works for us.” Direct quote. Two days later, his attitude was all, ‘Neegras have alius bin mah faevrit folk.’

Either Senator Ted Cruz is offspring of the Addams Family, or has the very worst make-up man the unions could send him. I’ve never seen him on video-
tape when he didn’t look like a pasty-faced, Texas Republican. Or a talking corpse. Geez, between Cruz and ol’ Rick Perry, this primary cycle for Republicans could become humorous, comical, even slap-stick. A horde of ‘old-time/ clowns.

I see a recent poll finds half of “white” Americans (if there really is any such thing, factually) claim they see no signs of racism. D’ya think that’s because it’s not directed at them? Most Americans are so deeply involved in web-world, busy eating, or fighting to survive, to notice the obvious (saying nothing of the subtle).

Republican office-seekers don’t like the first forthright Pope in History. This guy calls ’em as he sees ’em, and no holds barred. Too bad he’s not forty. A lot of ugly crap has occurred inside the Vatican walls, among it more than one poisoning. (Not that a lot of fringe-protestants haven’t been as bad.) Maybe he should start calling “Jimmie John’s.” His pronouncements on global warming were those of a knowledgeable scientist who loves humanity. (You’ve got to love him for that in this most horrid of worlds, stuffed with many horrid folk.) One prominent GOP denier claimed, “I’d rather listen to a scientist than a Pope.” The Pope is a university-trained scientist. Look it up!

There’s a refreshing face and voice entering the Republican race for the White House. Ohio’s Governor John Kasich grows on you and seems to get things done. He comes across as ‘populist’ and “progressive.” Of course, I couldn’t ever vote for him, even if I came to trust him. There’s still the rest of ’em, ya know?

Looking back over my stuff, you’ll recall my serious doubts about playing ‘footsie* with the crack-pot, risk-taker Supreme Ayatollah. If Israel already has the ‘bunker-buster’ bombs they’ve trained for over two years to deliver, I’d say the area is “on the brink.” Ayatollahs negotiate like Russians — delay, delay, delay, go home for instruction. Delay some more. . . , and all the while they’re hardening infrastructure where needed, and laughing up their sleeves.

But enemies often equate the West’s hesitation to let things get out of hand with fear. It’s caused many a dictator to misjudge resolution of the still (barely) free nations. Does the kind of resolution required to win another World War II still live here? I think I could make a stronger case for no, than yes. One thing I’m certain of, a serious, dangerous test, or series of tests, lie in our not-too-distant future.

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