by Barry Hastings

It’s the only true indicatMuckrakeror of my current disgust and shame for the United States of America, particularly for the under-educated idiot mass (56 percent) determined to make Donald Trump the leader and spokesman for the entire free world.

I hope he wins the GOP nomination, and is elected president. I see his election as the only way to ensure destruction of that corrupt, elitist, always trouble-making, lying political party. Kind of semi-predicted it here a couple of months ago, I recall.

Ironically, it will be done by the ignorant, underpaid Caucasian working people GOP leadership and average membership, so despises and works so hard to keep down. How silly are average and poorer working people buying into this bunch (but many do)? The only people lower than low-paid working class whites, in GOP estimation, are blacks, Chicanos, Muslims, Arabs, Orientals, India Indians, Buddhists, Fiji Islanders, Native Americans.

Go Donald – go! Go! GO! What the hell ever happened to, “all men are created equal?”

The first place we’ll see (and feel) the bite of his victory will be with the falling away of most (if not all) of our old (and most-usually) loyal allies. Brits (already speaking out loudly and clearly against the Horse’s Ass), French, Germans, Italians, Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, Australians (though they have their share of similar nitwits), New Zealanders (ditto), Dutchmen ((except for those transplanted here), our own indigenous folk, and Canadians (who, with adequate reason, have never really trusted us).

After all, the first thing we did, while still celebrating chasing the Brits out of BLarry Hamposton, was launch an invasion of Canada (led by Benedict Arnold) in hopes of forcing them to join us, while we stole their country. Kinda like we stole a large (huge) part of this nation from Mexico in support of a bunch of loud-mouthed Texans, who’ve ever managed to make themselves a national embarrassment (with help from like-minded others in their 10 fellow Confederate traitor states), and love their guns more than the country and their families. They’re not worth anything near what they cost us daily, what with their big mouths, big mistakes, little human decency.

Barry Goldwater once spoke of cutting off East Coast states, and letting them slide back into the Atlantic. I favor removing the whole southern tier (plus Arizona), sending them back to the “Big Bang.” Or giving them back to France, Spain, and Mexico. Sooner, rather than later, as I believe each of those nations are far easier to deal with than Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, S. Carolina, having more humane populations (possibly excluding Mexico for her absolute corruption).

But Texas (Lone Star State, indeed) in particular, deserves rule by Mexico. They’re one of the very worst of the worst states, in almost every civil rights related field. Government there caters to the rich, the super rich, and the filthy rich (as Republicans are wont to do), and without a tear-drop’s worth of shame.

Our beautiful state (except for roads and most other infrastructure) is one of the hardest hit by GOP strategy aimed at keeping the middle class weak, divided and shrinking. Seventy-five percent (3 out of 4) Michigan villages, towns, and cities have suffered decline of median income, down nine (9) percent in five (5) years, while almost 70 percent of the state’s communities witnessed actual increase in percentage of those living in (and with) poverty. Michigan’s poverty rate has increased 17 percent over the period, and every night, one out of four kids goes to bed hungry.

Republicans like to talk about our low (5%) unemployment level, but what they won’t talk about is a wage rate that’s stagnant, or shrinking, in real dollar terms. It doesn’t help when county officials (across the state) won’t (don’t) address these continuing and ever-growing troubles, and those suffering most join those behind the problems, because they fear Democrats are going to “take our guns away.” (Fat chance of that happening, although a thinning of those meant only for killing family, neighbors, little kids, blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims is going to happen, sooner or later. Necessarily so. What other civilized nation on earth would tolerate our spectacular gun-violence rates?)

And if you’re all excited about Battle Creek winning “Decades of Opportunities” through landing one of four ‘Cybersecurity’ units planned by the U.S. Government, ask yourself if the money is worth making the city a big, FAT TARGET?

Without any evidence but what I see Republicans saying, writing, doing, in business, industry, government; and particularly in the shameless men coming forth to speak for them in these most perilous times, leads me to offer the following as axiomatic. “If you see a big crowd of Americans reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, something near half of them are lying.”

P.S. I’ve never said the “under god” phrase in the “new'”pledge, and never will, because it conflicts, most obviously, with the “separation of church and state” basis of our Constitution.

And anyway, I’m not what most folks would call, “a true believer.”





1 Comment

Free Market Man
December 28, 2015
Barry Hastings - a no truer idiot has spoken! What blather.

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