Here’s what happens when yoLarry Hampu elect right-wing religious nuts to positions of (self-perceived or real) political power and/or influence.

At the very time the legislature was catching-on (and catching-up) to the Jamrat and Coarser (and some of it certainly represents “the pot calling the kettle black”), a story broke about 28 pages in the Congressional report on events of 9/11/01. The 28 pages were classified at the highest level of secrecy by the Shrub (George W.), and his sinister, many-lived alter-ego, Slick Cheney.

Despite requests from many members of Congress, the Obama Administration has maintained the top-secret blockage to facts Americans should know — should have known 13 years ago. You have to think way back to the immediate 9/11 aftermath. There was a national no-fly order in effect — the only contrails up there were the U.S. Air Force, and they were looking for someone to kill. In this atmosphere, the Bush Administration allowed a Saudi Arabian airliner, with well over 200 passengers aboard (Shrub never asked for a passenger list), to depart for the Middle East. (I remember being outraged at the time.)

Well, it turns out, this 28-page section, and three pages in particular, outlines, and names, prominent Saudis (among the most influential of the influential) directly involved with/in the attacks. Some of them, maybe even many of them, were aboard this aircraft. MuckrakerAnd there’s little doubt both Shrub and Cheney knew it.

Both (and the whole Bush family) have long been raking-in big dollars from Saudi oil interests, some controlled by the bin Laden family (yes, that bin Laden family). Legislators, and former legislators, Democrat and Republican, are among national figures calling for release.

When this story comes out – and it will come out – Americans will gain a whole new perspective on why we’re (still) involved supporting kings, queens, princes, emirs, sheiks in nations where regular people have no real liberty, and women have less. They’d be overthrown in a snap without our military and intel assistance. I imagine our intel services have been responsible for many a bloody murder or torture session across the Mideast. Is ISIL karma? Yes, indeed.

Within days of 9/11, I began suspecting there was something more behind it than our government was letting on. What originally happened to open my mind’s eye, was how George W. Bush sat in that Florida school room like a man stunned and hardly moved… for almost an hour, then was taken to Air Force One, climbed aboard, flew west for some hours, then north, then south, and finally back to D.C., where he landed some 11 to 12 hours after heading west.

Turns out, Vice President Dick Cheney had told him not to fly back to D.C., because intel folks believed the terrorist attackers were in possession of Air Force 1 communication codes. George was already scared (you know what) less. Actually, Cheney just wanted him out of the way for the day so he could play games with the nation’s Constitutional Bill of Rights. Which he did. And that’s the very day this infernal spying on us started. It’s never stopped since, and has become all-inclusive.

I believe the Shrub has had ample time to look at what happened, and wishes he hadn’t been duped into the twelve-hour 9/11 flight (in both senses of the word). Along with Vietnam era film of him in uniform, in a Texas ANG fighter cockpit, telling newsmen his dad got him into the Guard, and he wasn’t about to, “Stick a shotgun in my ear to stay out of Vietnam,” (this film still exists, and a search will find it), has caused me to believe him a physical, and moral coward, ever since.

Have you seen Shrub’s art work? A reflection, I’m certain, of his feelings about the mess made in his name by Cheney and Donald Bumsfeld. I’ll only say the paintings are depressing, and must, in some deeper sense, open a window to his world. If there’s any justice, he’ll live with it (very uncomfortably) for the rest of his life.

Ignorant people, like Shrub and Trump, should stay out of politics (I wish they’d stay out of America, but, of course, it’s too much to hope for). I really doubt Bush was smart enough to be part of what happened that horrible September day. Just a dupe… and a former coke-head dope.

Among the other odd happenings that day, was first film of the Pentagon (shot by a passer-by) showing the building with a 16-foot diameter hole in the outside wall, no sign of wreckage outside the building, no signs of aircraft wings, or tail section, hitting the building, and a voice saying, *It was a missile with wings!” There was one fire truck on the scene at the time.

I’ve searched often for that piece of film since — can’t find it, anywhere. Every scrap of surveillance camera film in the entire Pentagon area was confiscated by government agents, operatives, spooks, and none of it’s ever been released. Why? Because no airplane ever hit the building.

I still don’t accept as truth the lies commonly agreed upon, but believe much of it involves the vice-like grip NSA, CIA, DOD, Homeland (in)Security have now clamped on personal communications of the whole nation. I saw a lot of film that morning I’ve never seen again — and way too much of it holds questions, and perhaps, some real answers.

So, everyone seems exited about Battle Creek making a strong run at becoming the anti-ballistic missile defense site for the eastern U.S. Well, think about it in another light — Vladimir Putin has made it clear (many times) that should the Russians ever feel that war is near with the U.S., he’ll use nukes as option NUMBER ONE. Which means. . .  everything in west Michigan will immediately become toast.

Send your anti-missile missiles to Indiana, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, or to Dick Cheney in Montana. Michiganders don’t really need them, or want them.

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