by Barry Hastings

Who, and where, are all the NMuckrakerational Rifle Association’s good guys? You know who I mean, the ones who have claimed (for years) they would step to the plate, should they be present when a shooting occurs. Problem is, the three million of their base members (those who provide the mail to Congress, governors, etc.) really don’t like those of use are not enamored with pistols, revolvers, AK-47s, AR-15s and 50-caliber sniper rifles (of all makes). Our victims are their rabble-rousing slogans.

And remember those little two or three paragraphs they print purporting to be “real life stories, of regular people who will and do stand up to bad guys.” The only one I remember in Michigan occurred some time ago when a pistol packing lady blew a wannabee mugger to hell (or heaven — who knows how they make choices up there)?

At any rate, I’ve come to the conclusion that most of them are also B.S., either written, or well polished, by those creative marketing and and advertising folks upstairs (downstairs), or wherever it is, they plan to get as much money out of you as they can possibly squeeze.

Saddest part of this is, I know family men whose financial status is near “church-mouse'”range, who own upward of twenty (20) guns, none of which were inexpensive. Here’s the worst part — more than 10,000 people a year are killed by accidental discharges of firearms, another ten thousand are shot by others (on purpose), and (you won’t believe it) even more commit suicide. Such is life in the “land of the free” and the “home of the brave.”

And speaking of ‘church-mice,’ too many live on the edge

Did you have a clue that most American citizens have no cash reserves whatsoever? Zero! A recent study of our economy reveals the fact most people would be unable to raise $1,000 in a family emergency. What do they depend on to get them through a crisis? Why, “Go Fund Me,” of course. I wish someone would “come fund ME!” But, of course, I know it ain’t gonna happen.

You see, you got to do something stupid (like buy twenty, or thirty, weapons with your grocery, power, insurance, car or house payment money). Asked how difficult it would be to meet a surprise statement/bill, and how they’d respond to such a financial Larry Hampemergency, 40 percent said it would be “very difficult.” Another 25 per cent answered, “difficult.”

To pay such an amount, 37 percent said they’d have to arrange a “payment plan.” Forty-one per cent said they’d have to use a credit card to pay the whole balance immediately, or make monthly payments. Twenty-seven per cent said they’d, “borrow from family,” or “skip paying other obligations.” Eleven percent said they’d “not pay the bill at all,” and 10 percent would, “borrow from a bank, or a (very high interest) payday lender.”

The vast majority of Americans live on the edge (or over the edge) of financial disaster. Nothing can shake these results much, the study’s margin of error is just 3 1/2%. Forty-six percent of respondents claimed their wages have not increased over the past five years; sixteen per cent claim they’ve endured actual salary cuts.

Precarious survival is the lot of most.

SpaceX Corporation plans a visit to Mars  in 2018

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) said it plans to assist with the project, which, according to SpaceX officials, could put (American) astronauts on the Red Planet as soon as 2025.

As many of you know, the company (formed 10 years ago by Elon Musk to plan and place a colony on Mars) has suffered ups and downs in the quest, but do seem to have mastered the technique for returning booster-rockets to soft landings on earth. The company says a news conference later this year will reveal how they plan to get men/women to Mars.

Musk has said publicly his plan for travel to Mars is “defensive — to protect the future of humanity, ensuring the (future) light of consciousness is not extinguished should some calamity befall Earth.” (Like a Trump-induced nuclear war?) But what really drives him, he says, is that, “This would be an incredible adventure.”

I’ll (hopefully) observe, thank you!

Congress passes chemical regulatory bill

At least a century after it should have been done.

‘Bloomberg View’ says GOP responsible for Trump nomination

In an article titled “GOP got the voters it deserved,” the Bloomberg View observed, a week or so ago, that the GOP, “bears plenty of responsibility for the rise of the reality-show star” that is Donald Trump. Many conservatives have acknowledged shortcomings in the party exploited by the “hair.”

Bloomberg writer Jonathan Bernstein says Republicans have encouraged, or at least “tolerated schoolyard taunts and far­-fetched conspiracy talk,” long before Trump’s run for the presidency. He began his campaign by accusing the President of, “not being a U.S. citizen.” It’s a tired claim, often disproved. This was followed by attacks on Hillary Clinton, recycling conspiracy theories more than 20 years old, promoted then by by talk-show hosts and Republican members of Congress.

The article continues, noting the GOP has given megaphones to people like Pat Robertson, Ben Carson, Herman Cain and Carly Fiorina, demonstrating to voters what, “counts as a “normal” Republican Presidential candidate — and it isn’t all that different from Trump.” The writer also remarked on a similar approach by Nixon Republicans in 1968, which appealed loud and long for support from racist bigots. What a bunch, (of clowns.)

Oh, here’s a note about these ‘millenials” you might find to be interesting material for thought the next time you see a Bernie Sanders rally on the tube — fully one-third of them ( 33 and 1/3 per cent), are still sponging off their parents, living and feeding in the family domicile. Yep, they’re ready to run the country, all right.

Christ a’mighty, I was off on my own at 16. Go home and eat your supper, Bernie.





1 Comment

Free Market Man
June 20, 2016
The "good guys" with weapons are disallowed from carrying in establishments such as where the Orlando shootings took place. If you really want to know where the good guys are, look in local newspapers were an intruder breaking into a home was told there was a gun in the house, or better yet, heard the racking of a shell into a pump shotgun - it doesn't take long for them to skedaddle. If they are really brave, they usually leave feet first from the inside of the house in a body bag. It doesn't take much to find out every day robbers, burglers, would be terrorists, etc. are foiled by a gun toting citizen. Most of the concealed permit holders I know have a weapon at the ready, either on them or nearby. If you don't want to tote a firearm, so be it - be a sheeple, I ain't ready to give up so easy. Obama has been the greatest gun salesman in the U.S.! Barry, you can be the statistic in a dead man tally if you want to, I'm not so compliant.

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