To the editor:

I am assumLetter to editor_8ing you wrote the editorial about the winning of Steven Johnson.

I don’t understand why you are disturbed when someone tries to live by Christian principles in his work, which may include the political arena. If everyone read the principles of holy living contained in the Pauline epistles and put them into use in  their lives, our world would be transformed. Instead, those who hold to high moral values are criticized and called all sorts of unsavory names. It”s “open season” on Christians in all sorts of ways.

It’s true that Steve has no experience and I did not vote for him for that reason and not because of his principles. Yet, he won fair and square.  Of course we all know that voter apathy is ever present.

Another example of moral deterioration in our society is the column by Amy Kerr Hardin. Its basic premise is a lie. The whole dirty business of abortion is based on lies. This is not war on women, it’s about human life.  The real war is on unborn children under the guise of health care.

Women who have had an abortion are psychologically scarred for life. It is not a simple medical procedure. We hear about “animal rights,” but where are the rights of unborn humans?

Read the last verse of the book of Judges in  your Bible and then think about what ultimately happened to the kingdom of Judah. Is there any parallel to the world of today?

Henry Raad


Robert M Traxler
August 6, 2016
Mr. Raad, Bravo, the Constitution allows freedom to practice religion, not freedom from religion. The Secular Progressives in our media hold most in distain who do not approve of abortion or those who do approve of the American Judeo/Christian ethic. Well said, sir.
Free Market Man
August 8, 2016
Mr. Raad, I extend my heartfelt thanks for a fine article, in which you so rightly state if we would all live Christian values, how much better our world would be. Abortion has been terrible stain on this country and you are correct, it was based on a lie and continues to be based on lies, supported by those like Ms. Hardin, and uniformed and uncaring soul for the unborn. We understood slavery was wrong and changed, when will abortion be outlawed so the unborn have a chance and a voice? We must speak up for the unborn, and you did... Thank You!

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