Robinson, Nikkiabrown_katrinaThe WaylandThebo, Rebecca Union Education Foundation has announced three winners of the Wayland Union Schools National Teacher Conference Awards for this fall.
The winners were Katrina Brown, first grade teacher at Baker Elementary, and Rebbecca Thebo and Nikkia Robinson, drama and theater instructors at Wayland Middle School.
Brown was awarded attendance at the Units of Study Reading Conference, K-2, in Chicago Nov. 13. This training will provide practical ways to teach higher level literacy skills, explains research and discoveries that guide planning and development of four- to five-week-long units of study that focus around an important reading goal.
This conference will also help teachers grasp ways of supporting students as they progress up a ladder of text complexity over the school year. It will impact student achievement by teaching strategies that ensure all students receive daily opportunities to read with engagement and enthusiasm, to read strategically, and engage in meaningful conversations about books.
Students will learn to read fluently, with expression, and read increasingly more challenging text, and will help to develop more confident, engaged, skilled and joyful readers.

Robinson and Thebo, drama co-directors, were granted attendance to the South Eastern Theatre Conference, in Greensboro, N.C., March 2-6. This conference will help to enhance instruction in the language classrooms, and it will enrich the drama program at the middle school.

The information gained by attending this conference will help to create alternative, engaging, learning opportunities. These may take the form of social learning projects, curriculum-based student performances, and other community learning activities. This conference emphasizes the importance of presentation skills and how to teach/apply these skills in the classroom. Students will build their soft-skills which will prepare them for future educational or career expectations.

Conference awards were granted in the amount of $3,479.

Education Foundation gives the Wayland Union Schools teaching staff an opportunity to apply for national conferences two times each school year. In September, applications are accepted for fall/winter conferences, and in February, another round of applications will become available for attendance at a national conference in the spring/summer.

PHOTOS: Katrina Brown  Rebecca Thebo  Nikkia Robinson

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