Three finalists for Wayland Union Schools superintendent have emerged for the second round of interviews later this month.
The Wayland Board of Education conducted first-round interviews of five finalists Saturday and unanimously chose Patricia Velie of Wayland, Christina Hinds of Mattawan and Matt Goebel from Hastings.
Hinds has been assistant superintendent of student services and curriculum since 2018. She previously was director of special education and student services in Mattawan for three years, special

education supervisor for Van Buren ISD for four years, and taught special education for six years. She has a bachelor’s degree from Western Michigan University and a master’s degree from Grand Valley.
Velie has been assistant superintendent for Wayland schools since 2016. Before she returned to Wayland, where both of her children graduated, she was director of administration and finance, Medford Public Schools in Massachussetts for three years, accounting Supervisor, Hingham Public Schools, Ma., and accounting assistant for eleven years.
She has a bachelor’s degree from University of Phoenix and a master’s degree in management and human resources from University of Phoenix.
Goebel has been assistant superintendent of student achievement since 2013 for the Hastings Area School System. He previously was elementary principal at Muskegon Orchard View for three years and high school assistant principal Orchard View for three years, and a special education teacher in Grandville for six years.
He has a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree and educational specialist degree from Grand Valley.
The second round has been scheduled for 5 p.m. Thursday, June 11. The board intends to have a new superintendent in place by the end of the month, succeeding the retiring Norm Taylor.
End this charade and select Pat Velie. She is the best candidate for the district she knows and has served so well.