ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor.

These days we often see a notice on the front door of virtually every public building, warning people who enter they must wear a mask because of the current Covid-19 crisis. Such notices routinely appear at public structures such as township halls, city halls and even private businesses.

Yet there are times I attend public meetings in which some public officials somehow take on the roles of scofflaws.

Dictionaries define a scofflaw as:

  • “A person who flouts the law, especially by failing to comply with a law that is difficult to enforce effectively.”
  • “A noun coined during the Prohibition era to mean a person who drinks illegally. It is a compound of the words scoff and law.”
  • “They refuseto obeythe law, for example, by failing to pay their debts or by ignoring minor legal regulations.”

So it’s somewhat uncomfortable when I see so many people attending public meetings dutifully wearing masks, yet at least a couple of township officials are not. I have bitched about this, particularly at Dorr Township last June, but the issue persists.

Public officials who refuse to wear a mask in a public meeting are telling constituents, whether they intend to or not:

  • The rules do not apply to them.
  • They don’t believe scientists who have strongly urged everyone to wear masks to help stop the spread of the virus.
  • They defy the executive order issued by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer because they don’t like her or they see this as a political rather than a health issue. They believe it restricts their freedom.
  • They simply don’t want to wear a mask, it’s uncomfortable, or it demonstrates the wearer’s fears.

The possible consequences of this behavior are getting sick or perhaps even dying. It is alarming these people seem unconcerned about spreading an airborne disease to others.

Some public bodies, such as the Wayland City Council, Hopkins Board of Education and Hopkins Township Board, have done an outstanding job in making themselves and others say safe by having their meetings on line. Wayland Board of Education has done reasonably well in that regard, except having one in-person meeting at which no one wore a mask.

The default, in the interests of public health, should be to wear the mask while inside a public building. Some public officials, like Dorr Township Trustee Teri Rios, have joined meetings electronically to avoid this kind of trouble.

Yet too many others have deliberately acted as scofflaws, and they deserve to be called out. It’s one thing when Jane Doe or Joe Sixpack are guilty of ignoring science, it’s worse when duly elected public servants show off their undeserved privilege.

I repeat: This is not a political issue. It is a health issue. Failure to comply has contributed to the awful statistic that has made the good ole USA No. 1 in the world in Covid cases and deaths. Yes, “We’re No. 1.”

To celebrate this lofty position, I hereby offer my selections, based entirely on personal observations, for the local All-Scofflaw team:

The Townbroadcast All-Scofflaw team:

Trustees John Tuinstra and Josh Otto of Dorr Township Board; Treasurer Susan Tiemeyer and Clerk Rachelle Smit of Martin Township; Trustees Brian Bonnema and John Hooker of Leighton Township.

HONORABLE MENTION: State Rep. Steven Johnson, (R-Wayland), who is shown in a photo at right stopping in at Harding’s Market not wearing a mask. Well, at least he shops locally.

Scofflaw of the Year — John Tuinstra, who told me he doesn’t have to tell me why he doesn’t wear a mask in an enclosed indoor building.




September 11, 2020
John Wilkens
September 11, 2020
Maybe those not wearing a mask have a medical condition so that's nun-ya business. How about when you were smoking weed years ago when it was illegal....... so it was ok for you to break the law? Yet another case of do as I say not as I do! You need to start worrying about David and less about others........Johnson and Tuinstra still owning you...........very sad......... Cheers!!
Robert M Traxler
September 11, 2020
Mr Editor, you had me on your side until I opened your attachment above to see you made this political after you stated it was not. Just can't help it can you? as a rich and powerful member of the media the blinders are on. To bad you clouded a great editorial with politics, at the end.
Harry Smit
September 13, 2020
Mr Young Can't debate your original article... but your response is up for debate. You and I could go on the street and ask and question and if it is a subject of controversy the answers will be one side. Hopefully, we can all agree that the mask is not 100%. If we all wear one it limits the chance of getting the virus. The problem seems to be there is a percentage of persons who because they only think of themselves will not comply. Noncompliance is not a problem except then use services where you do not put others at risk. When it comes to large groups like rallies, riots, etc. If you don't want to wear a mask fine (I'm guessing most Democrats hope a large percentage get Covid-19). But then if you go to other public places wear your mask... in reality how hard is it? Have you ever thought about the employees at the places you frequent? They have to wear them (and since I wear one eight or nine hours a day ) it isn't very comfortable. But in you come not wearing a mask, now you have put me in greater danger than if you were wearing one... but you really don't care, do you? All because you believe you have the right to do as you please. Come on folks, we have suffered thru a major shutdown in Michigan, businesses have been lost, people have lost their lives thru depression leading to suicide, education, sports are in a turmoil. Will it really "kill you " to comply and wear the mask ?

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