by Robert M. Traxler

I met with Radiological Oncologist Dr. Julie Forstner Tuesday for the first time after the 43 Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) treatments were over. Prior to the appointment blood was drawn for a PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test and we crossed our fingers. If the test showed a PSA of .6 or above, it is not conclusive but it is a concern, below .5 less concern.

My PSA was 11.4 when the treatment began. Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) started and it was .57 after two months of taking the drugs. After the radiation, the PSA dropped to .039 — that my friends is very good news. Now we have 20 more months of Lupron injections and after that a better picture of the long-term PSA level.

There is a possibility that a remaining cancer will develop, but the initial numbers are good, very good. The question that folks will ask is why have the radiation if the Firmagon and Lupron injections dropped the PSA to .57 after two months? ADT treatments will not kill the cancer, only stop the growth temporarily. After two or three years the cancer will find a new food source and begin to grow again in a much more difficult to eliminate form. The IMRT kills cancer in unison with ADT treatments, and it is vastly more effective.

The fight is not over, but the first three rounds are, and we are winning. This challenge has given us one huge lesson: Find a doctor in whom you have confidence and follow his/her advice. Also, do your homework, use reputable sources, and for the love of God, do not get your medical advice from folks in chat rooms, folks who do not know as much as you do, and certainly not as much as your doctors.

Please stay away from conspiracy theories. I was told things like:

• Drugs and radiation do not work, they only make money for doctors and the corporations.

• They will not help you; the side effects of treatment are worse than the cancer.

• You are better off doing nothing at all.

• My favorite is: A cancer cure in a single pill form is available, but the medical people do not want to tell you about it.

More drugs and more testing are in order over the next year and a half but we are very optimistic.

Thank you all very kindly for your prayers and good wishes.


August 17, 2017
Great! That is wonderful news.
Robert M Traxler
August 18, 2017
Mr. Basura, Thank you kindly. As America ages we will sadly see a lot more cancer of all types, education, testing and awareness are our best weapons. A large majority of men will get Prostate Cancer between 50 and 70. Depending on the type of cells, you may just need to watch the PSA but only a good doctor can tell. Please guys you owe it to your family's to get a PSA test, not doing it may cut 15 years off the end of your life. Thanks again.

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