1266da3ad6a3b428e92f8ac91e240af725Years4The City of Wayland has received three bids for planning consultant services and will interview two finalists Thursday.

City Manager Tim McLean said a committee of three City Council members and himself will interview Williams and Works of Grand Rapids and Professional Code Inspections of Dorr. PCI has been serving as interim planner since the city broke ties with Wade Trim early this year because Planning Consultant Janice Johnson left that firm to reboot Main Street Planners of Grand Rapids with her husband, Tim.

Main Street was one of the three bidders for planning services, McLean confirmed.

Lisa Banas, ex-officio member of the commission, will be one of the council members doing the interviewing. McLean said a recommendation will be made at the March 16 City Council meeting.

The Wayland City Planning Commission discussed the development briefly. Some members were curious about PCI, which is much better known in these parts for building inspections and zoning enforcement.

Kirk Scharphorn Jr., son of the co-founder of PCI, said the firm is ready, willing and able to handle all planning duties.

“We tailor our program to what you guys want,” Scharphorn said.

Planning Commissioner Ryan Martin, noting that having the same planner as building inspector would not create a conflict, but actually could strengthen the process because the inspector would be familiar with the early part of the process.

PHOTO: Kirk Scharphorn Jr.

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