public_safetyThe Dorr Township home of Christy and Gabriel Garcia was robbed Friday night by four young men, all of whom were in custody at latest reports.

No one was believed to have been hurt in the incident.

Christy is the sister of Wayland City Councilwoman Tracy Bivins, who reported, “Gabe, her husband, grabbed his gun and shot into the woods. That suspect was apprehended. And he is cooperating. Her wallet was stolen and they are not sure who has that.

“Their lives are forever changed now. This is not something anyone should have to live in fear of.”

Christy reported, “So far we haven’t recovered anything that was taken from here… We will be OK. Glad we stopped them from going any further.”

She added later this morning on Facebook, “Cops were just here. We just found out that were not three, but four suspects. They have them all in custody now. They are going searching again in the areas to see if they can recover any of our stuff.

“The suspects informed the police that after they heard the gunshot they just started ditching items out of their pockets as they were running.”

The four are believed to be involved in a string of as many as 18 home burglaries recently in Dorr.

Christy, daughter of Jerry and Stephanie Thompson, is store manager of a local business.


Robert M Traxler
December 3, 2016
Our hearts go out to the Garcias, good job on Gabe's part. Great work on the part of law enforcement.
December 3, 2016
Good going police and residents! Prosecute to the fullest.
Turd Furgison
December 4, 2016
This has got to be the mostly poor written and edited "news story" I've ever read. Did it really take 5 paragraphs to write what could easily be said in three sentences or less? Ameteur hour.
December 4, 2016
most poorly written Amateur hour.
Robert M Traxler
December 4, 2016
Touché, Mr. Young.

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