Not Pictured: Nick Ward and Carlos Cervantes.
Wayland Union High School choirs received a 1 rating at the district Michigan State Solo and Ensemble festival.
Both the Honors Choir and Select Choir will be moving on to State Solo and Ensemble. Ten soloists also will be moving on to State Solo and Ensemble. “These are incredibly difficult feats to achieve,” said choral director Ricci Sabin. “All of them stayed after school, worked during Pride Time and on their own. The choirs practiced in the hallways in sections to make up for six snow days right before we had to perform.”
Soloists moving on to state: are Nikolette Harrison, Lili Harrison, Madison Campos, Tiannah Garcia, Rylee Brown, Ovelia Taylor, Kayden Balch, Kylie Spicer, Kayleigh Warmbold, Suryiah Wilson
COVER PHOTO: Honors Choir: (from left, back row) Hanora Gavin, Lili Harrison, Suryiah Wilson, Olivia Machleit, Tristell Pawloski, Tiannah Garcia, Layla Uminn (second row) Kaylee Cooper, Nikolette Harrison, Kayleigh Warmbold, Kylie Spicer, Madison Campos, Abby Wabeke, (front row) Keira Cater, Madison Swisher, Logan Watson, Patience Hawley and Morgan Liberski.