The Wayland City Council had a change of venue Monday night, meeting at the fire barn instead of the customary council chambers in the back of City Hall.
City Manager Josh Eggleston blamed the situation on “uninvited wildlife,” including a dead bat that invaded the upper portions of the more than 100-year-old structure.
City Clerk Lee Ann Claussen said authorities removing the trouble have decided to examine the area for the presence of asbestos and have indicated there is a likelihood of that problem existing as well. Moreover, minor repairs will have to be made to the chimney.
The building was erected more than 100 years ago as Wayland State Bank at the southeast corner of the intersection of Main and Superior streets downtown. The bank changed its name to United Bank and moved to new location on West Superior Street more than 30 years, making way for the city to take over the offices inside.
Eggleston said he doesn’t expect the council to have to use the fire barn much longer.
In other business at Monday’s meeting, the council:
• Fielded a request from Brad Hill, 225 Vine St., to erect a temporary or permanent fence along the alleyway in back of his property. He said undesirable visitors have been appearing too often and he would like some kind of gate installed there at his expense, in the interests of public safety.
Hill also said the gravel alley serves as a way for local “ding dong ditch” culprits (who ring doorbells at late night hours and then run away) to find a place to hide from nearby residences.
Mayor Tim Bala said city staff would look into the request to see what can be done.
• Referred to the Public Safety Committee two proposed ordinances permitting the sale of marijuana before having it come before council for a first reading.
Councilman Norm Taylor. Former schools superintendent and current Board of Education Trustee, asked several questions, one about complying with regulations that restrict such establishments to no closer than 500 to 1,000 feet.
Eggleston said that if those rules are followed, the only locations marijuana businesses could use would west of the railroad tracks on West Superior.
Taylor said he was asking because the schools have a “drug-free zone” policy.
The ordinance has been recommended by the Planning Commission, but Eggleston said it “needs a little more work.”
• Learned from Eggleston that the city has made an offer to a candidate for director of the Downtown Development Authority and expects to have the position filled by next month.
• Approved application for a Category B grant to help fund streets and roadways and will know if it was successful by sometime in August.
You may want to use the proper designation from “fire barn” (there are no horses or any other farm animals there) and change it to “fire station”. I am not a firefighter, but using the proper word means something to those who serve all of us. Let’s show some respect.
Firefighters themselves often refer to it as “the fire barn.” Respect is not the issue.
Wow how pathetic!
Its been called the fire barn as long as I can remember. Most of the firemen I know call it the fire barn also. I hope Tread boy dosnt play with matches??
I can not believe a (DEAD) bat shut down city hall. Most likely the bat got in then was trapped and died of thirst and starvation. Good thing they did not find a (LIVE)mouse or snake most likely would have run out of caution tape!!