Jon Rocha, candidate in the Republican primary to challenge Fred Upton in August 2022, recently was identified in a video from the Jan. 6 insurrection in Washington D.C.

Rocha, a native of Kalamazoo, is a Mexican-American Marine veteran.

I am someone who is tired of complaining about the issues and is ready to get something done,” he said in a candidate profile. “A Marine Corps Vet, football coach, father, and Patriot, ready to serve once again!

“I am not a rich politician. I am just a man tired of NOTHING being done in Congress, willing to put it all out on the line to bring the People’s Voice back to Congress. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is a simple principle that for whatever reason we have pushed away from. EVERY American deserves these opportunities and God Given Rights.”

Rocha said he believes the greatest challenges ahead are governmental overreach and control.

Upton, regarded as a moderate, has served in Congress since 1987. The Sixth Congressional District now takes in all of Allegan County.




Harry Smit
July 7, 2021
"Holy Catfish" First we have Mrs Smith so proud to have a photo with the "Pillow Man" . Now here come another that was involved with the "breach" on January 6th. Have the Republicans in Allegan and Kalamazoo Counties gone so far "right", they have crossed the foul line??? The "Trump era" is gone, it's time for the Republican Party to return to good solid conservative politics. Everyone has been so concerned about the mask issue. They have failed to see what is being proposed at the college level in regards to education and changes bordering on the first steps to indoctrination into Socialism via future educators and graduates.
John Wilkens
July 8, 2021
"Now here come another that was involved with the “breach” on January 6th." Help me better understand your statement. Are you saying everyone present on Jan 6 was involved in the "breach"? I realize the editor has done a fine job here of trying to make the reader believe that this man has done something wrong. I am certain that there are many people that could have been "identified" from pictures and video. Has/was Jon Rocha arrested and charged for a crime at the Capital? There were thousands of law abiding people present that were doing nothing more than praying for our Country. In addition there were plenty of people peacefully protesting. Just so the left wingers don't feel left out there was definitely a small percentage of the crowd involved in some terrible actions on the Capital that are inexcusable and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Cheers!!
Lynn Mandaville
July 8, 2021
Mr. Wilkens, are you saying that there were "very fine people, on both sides?"
John Wilkens
July 8, 2021
AZ Girl, Please re-read my statement. Cheers!!
Lynn Mandaville
July 8, 2021
So that's a "yes" then.
Dennis Longstreet
July 8, 2021
If you call 600 arrested and more arrests pending a small percentage, you must believe Trump's crowd size claims. I did not see a lot protesters praying. Saw a lot of damage to the capitol from your "peaceful" tourists.
July 8, 2021
Oh, you were talking about DC? I thought you might be explaining the billions in dollars of damages, destroyed private AND federal property as well as dozens of people killed during the BLM protests last summer. My bad. You pick and choose which ones to care about. Especially your “peaceful protests” and “summer of love”
John Wilkens
July 8, 2021
Dennis, You need to tune into something more than CNN. I know you were a bit brain washed this past summer as major blue states were burned and looted and the fine folks at CNN claimed peaceful protest. Grab another beer! Cheers!!
Dennis Longstreet
July 8, 2021
Live video is live no matter who shows it. Brain washed is what fox and friends did to you. The summer riots were bad . Does not condone the capitol riots. You better have two beers .
Harry Smit
July 8, 2021
Mr Wilkens In one word, yes. All who entered the Capital grounds had a part in the " breach." Be they formally charged with a crime or not. How can anyone, be they Republicans or Democrats, sincerely believe a national election was "stolen" here in the United States? There are still people believing it today (July 8, 2021). Never any proof of massive corruption to "steal" an election. I am in total awe at the amount of my fellow Republicans who can not accept the fact President Trump did not get re-elected. If these candidates lose their bids for office, will they accept it, or scream they lost because of fraud (just like those they seem to hold as icons in the Republican Party)? Mr. Wilkens, at the end of the day, these two candidates I've discussed may have a major effect on you and me. There is some real "scary" educational legislation being discussed in the state and federal levels in this country. It is focused on education above the high school level, but things trickle down. Those we will elect or re-eelect will surely have to deal with these proposals.
July 13, 2021
I wish the authorities could get to the bottom of who hurt - assaulted - killed those Officers on January 6th. We all should be concerned about that.
July 10, 2021
Billions of dollars in damage? David, is this a fiction contest ? Does that number include the costs of the battalion of men in black, the squadrons of black helicopters used to transport political enemies to secret government internment camps? Please show sources of that wild claim. List the aggrieved cities and include which businesses, government entities along with legitimately filed insurance claims to recover the massive (and grossly overestimated) losses that you purport to have occurred. Not the typical “Some people, They say or Everyone knows”
July 10, 2021
I admit I don't really know. I took this story from a couple of sources and the figure very easily could have been million instead of billion.

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