The Leighton Township Board Thursday evening adopted a resolution to allow Walinga USA entry into an industrial development district so it can apply for tax breaks.

Walinga, manufacturer of pneumatic conveying systems, is located at 1190 and 1196 Electric Ave. off Division Avenue. It has 53 employees and hopes to add to the work force and add 36,000 square feet to a building on the premises.

The Township Board held a public hearing on the request and heard no objections. The vote was 5-0 to approve Walinga’s request.

The company now will be able to apply for an industrial facilities tax exemption, which sometimes can go as high as 12 years and 50% off taxes.

One of three company representatives who attended the meeting told the board, “It’s not a challenge to come here and do business.”

In other business, the Township Board:

  • Was told there were five more building permits pulled in September, bringing the total for nine months this year to 33 with an average house value of $368,021.
  • Renewed the contract for snow plowing the township offices, parking lot and two fire stations with Ben Potts.
  • Adopted a resolution declaring intent to conduct elections by having the township hall open nine days consecutive before the presidential primary, primary and general elections in 2024.
  • Learned that the township’s bill for insurance from EMC will be increased from $33.449 to $40,354, a 14 percent difference.
  • Decided to have Township Clerk Rachel Fennema send a letter to residents along 147th Avenue telling them they cannot stack up bags for recycling at the one location because it’s an eyesore. The recycling company, Arrowaste, has indicated its truck has a challenging time navigating the narrow private road.
  • Agreed to seek an opinion from Dorr Township about an idea in which new deputy Steve Damveld works from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. instead of 3 p.m. to 3 a.m. in an effort to better watch over school children when they get out of school. 

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