A zoning change to enable Otsego CrWatson 8-6ane and Hoist to expand and use property in back for trucks to turn around was approved by the Watson Township Board Thursday evening.

The board voted 4-0 with Clerk Kellie Morris absent to approve the July 22 recommendation of the Planning Commission to agree to a zoning change from A-2 agricultural to C-1 commercial for 200 feet behind the current business, which was a lot less than owner Ron Hill had sought.

There were some concerns from neighbors at the Planning Commission meeting and again at the Township Board meeting raised by Ron Mehalski. He disagreed with findings by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the health department that there would be no consequences from the zoning change.

“What was once a small manufacturing facility has doubled in size, and now it will be tripled,” Mehalski told the Township Board. “I have concerns that it will grow by leaps and bounds and create a visual disturbance for its neighbors.”

Mehalski has a farm not far from the back of Otsego Crane and Hoist and his daughter and son-in-law have a home and property nearby as well. He insisted the business be allowed to use 100 additional feet to minimize the visual disturbance and make certain wetlands are not compromised.

He recommended Township Board members visit the site themselves and table the proposal until after they have “made a visual determination.”

But Trustees Rod Zeinstra and Chuck Andrysiak said they personally visited the site and others got a look at it Thursday night on a laptop computer.

The two and a half acre site is located about a half mile west of 16th Street on M-222. Otsego Crane and Hoist is located at what once was a gas station and a saw mill.

Kathy Pardee, former clerk for the township, rose to the defense of the Hill and his business, saying, “We drive by that site all the time. Everything is neat and orderly at that place.”

Supervisor Pam Brown, just before the roll call vote was taken, said, “I trust that the Planning Commission has done its job on this.”

She was joined in the affirmative vote by Trustees Chuck Andrysiak and Rod Zeinstra and Treasurer Sue Jones.

The move will result in a change in the township’s zoning ordinance and an amendment to the zoning map.

PHOTO: Citizen Ron Mehalski points to a spot on the map shown on the computer to township officials (standing) Sue Jones and Chuck Andrysiak and (seated right) Pam Brown.

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