Karen Fifelski

The Watson Township Planning Commission will receive a request Wednesday, Sept. 26, from the Adrianson/Smith gravel mining operation to renew its permit, but citizen Karen Fifelski wants to know why it has been allowed to continue without permission.

Fifelski, well known in the area as an environmentalist, appeared before the Watson Township Board Thursday night to express her disappointment the gravel mining has continued unabated, even though its permit had expired earlier this year.

“They are looking for renewal of an expired permit,” she told the board. “Why are they allowed to keep hauling gravel while they don’t have a permit?”

Supervisor Kevin Travis said Professional Code Inspections has looked into the matter and has threatened a citation. “The township has limited (enforcement) resources, so we give them time to get into compliance.”

Fifelski, who has property neighboring the gravel pit, said, “They shouldn’t be allowed to continue to mine gravel when they don’t have a permit. It feels like they can do whatever they want.”

Travis responded, “But how aggressive can we be in local code enforcement? PCI already is stretched thin.”

Trustee Chuck Andrysiak said the gravel mining operators will ask for extension at the next Planning Commission meeting Sept. 26. He is the board’s liaison to the commission.

In other business Thursday evening, the Watson Township Board:

• Was given a report on an inventory of Allegan County roads from Engineer-Manager Craig Atwood and Jason Edwards from the Road Commission.

Atwood, noting, “There are lot os needs and not enough money, asked the board for input for road reconstruction and resurfacing and installing culverts. He said he and his staff will put together recommendations for future projects.

“Do what you can to maintain your main roads and then we can slowly pick away dome of those back roads,” Atwood said.

Edwards said the life of paved roads has been estimated at 12 to 15 years.

Watson’s annual millage sets aside about $108,000 for roads annually.

• Developed a capital improvement plan for spending some surplus funds in the budget, identifying new carpeting for the township hall, new tables and new blinds and top priorities.

• Discussed long-range goals for establishing a township park on a parcel along M-222, noting that a five-year recreation plan would be necessary before applying for grants to fund the project.


1 Comment

Mike Williams
August 3, 2018
Why are they still,operating Watson? Why? Get off your asses and do something, like enforce the the frickin' law! What is wrong with you stupid people?

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