The Watson Township Board Thursday evening agreed to contract with Bloom, Sluggett Counselors & Attorneys for services as township attorney.
The Grand Rapids firm succeeds Michael Villar in the position. Villar in August won the primary election for Allegan County Prosecuting Attorney.
Blake Conklin, representing Bloom Sluggett, told the township board, “We’re not your hired gun, rather, we like to look at ourselves as problem solvers… We’re experts in municipal law and we’re cost effective.”
Supervisor Kevin Travis said he found the estimates of costs for legal services, at $225 per hour, to be reasonable.
Bloom Sluggett also provides legal services to Dorr, Leighton and Martin townships.
In other business at Thursday night’s meeting, the board:
- Was told by Trustee John Caras that the Seven Generations park project is about $90,000 short for estimated costs. The township has a $150,000 grant and is using $50,000 from the general fund, but total costs have been pegged at about $340,000. Treasurer Tara Davis said the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) fund total just shy of $25,000, which isn’t enough to make up the shortfall.
- Learned from Travis that state aid for the next fiscal year is expected to be about $230,000, a little higher than anticipated.
- Approved a special use permit request from Allegan Allegan Gravel & Sand for a 60-acre site near 122nd Avenue.
- Welcomed back Mark Simpson as cemetery sexton. Simpson stepped down earlier this year because of health issues, but decided to come back when his successor resigned.
- Officially scheduled the annual township fall cleanup days for Saturday, Oct. 12.