Not long after the Watson Township Board members were told they need to put their large savings account to work, they have begun making decisions on spending money.
The board Thursday night began identifying where road work might occur in the next couple of years, but confined actual decisions to more domestic expenses. For example, they approved the purchase of new carpeting from HQ of Otsego for $3,660, three eight-foot tables from Menard’s for $74.98 apiece and blinds for up to $556 from Home Depot.
The carpeting is 13 years old and is showing its age with plenty of stains, a so a new one will be welcome.
However, the board decided against having Prein & Newhof engineers conducting a feasibility studyfor a sanitary sewer project near the Martin U.S.-131 Motor Sports Park, saying it would be too expensive at $9.200.
“That’s a lot of money for just a study,” commented Treasurer Sue Jones.
Supervisor Kevin Travis said, “It’s the only industrial properties in the township. It’s not being developed because of a lack of infrastructure. The idea is generate more tax revenue for the township.”
They did agree to pay $697 in each of the next three years for participation in a Pictometry contract with Allegan County.
Future road projects were discussed, but no decisions were made. The Allegan County Road Commission provided an estimate of just over a million dollars for nine roads, including 12th Street near 122nd to 124th Avenue, 13th Street from 117th to 120th Avenue, 21st Street from 114th to M-222, 120th Avenue from 15th to 13th Street, 13th Street from 117th to 120th Avenue, Timber Ridge Bay Drive, 118th Avenue from 20th Street to Schantz, 115th Avenue from 16th to 14th Streets, and 12th Street and 117th Avenue from M-222 to 13th Street.
Jones said she’d be in favor of doing Timber Ridge Bay Drive and 120th from 15th to 13th, at a total cost of about $150,000, but work wouldn’t start until 2020, so no decision was made.
A work order already has been issued for a new culvert on 118th Avenue.
How many years has the site near 131 sat abandoned and overgrown? A little gumption from the board is needed to push any future development forward. Without something to present to potential investors on the potential of the property, how much longer will it sit generating nothing in tax revenue. Maybe it can be an unused/unknown nature park like the parcel at the end of 20th St. or another long forgotten abandoned dump like the one out near the motor sports park.