Three young men who want to build a medical marijuana dispensary just west of the Martin exit on U.S.-131 have been dealt a huge setback.

The Watson Township Board Thursday night voted 3-2 not to recommend the Planning Commission develop a local ordinance that would permit the business. A state law signed by Gov. Rick Snyder last fall would allow medical marijuana dispensaries if local government permits them.

Voting in favor of the recommendation were Supervisor Kevin Travis and Treasurer Sue Jones. Opposing were Trustees Michelle Harris and Chuck Andrysiak and Clerk Kelli Morris.

Andrysiak said his “no” vote was because, “(Watson) Being the first one and being a small, rural township, our budget is tight… We haven’t been first in anything… I don’t see us moving further on this.”

Harris echoed his sentiments, saying, “I’m not interested in being the first.”

Eric Pierce of Hopkins Township, in partnership in the Circle G Corp. with James Graczyk of Hopkins Township and Matt VanVolkinburg of Martin, told the trustees Watson wouldn’t be the first. Dispensaries already exist in Ann Arbor, in the Muskegon area, in Portage and even closer to home in Orangeville Township.

Harris cited a Nov. 3 article in the Allegan County News & Gazette about the City of Allegan being told marijuana legalization has caused many economic and social headaches. She was told that article was one-sided, a presentation sponsored by the West Michigan Enforcement Team, and the data has been questioned for its accuracy.

When told a dispensary would bring in revenue to the township in the form of licensing fees and taxes, Harris respo0nded, ”It’s not just about the money for me.”

The former chairwoman of the Planning Commission, she added, “We don’t have a professional planning consultant to develop an ordinance.”

Morris commented, “If it (medical marijuana) was federally approved, I’d feel better about it… And we haven’t heard anything from our residents about this.”

Pierce suggested that because no one has appeared at meetings to oppose the proposal since they were announced last October, it could be argued there isn’t a lot of opposition.

He said he and his partners, who also were present at the meeting, wanted to begin construction as soon as possible and take care of all necessary preparations, so they were asking for the township’s attitude toward their plans.

Pierce has indicated the threesome has begun looking at business possibilities in other areas.

PHOTO: Matt VanVolkinburg, James Graczyk and Eric Pierce of the Circle G Corp. first told the Watson Township Board Oct. 6 of their plans to build a medical marijuana dispensary business just off the Martin exit on M-222 at 12th Street.



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