Tera Davis

The Watson Township Board Thursday evening appointed Tera Davis as new treasurer, effective almost immediately.

Davis, wife of newly-appointed zoning enforcement administrator James Davis, will begin duties quickly because the position essentially is vacant. Outgoing Treasurer Stephanie Caulder announced her resignation only a week ago, but Clerk Kelli Morris said the township needs to have someone in place soon in order to pay the bills, something that wasn’t done Thursday night.

Caulder, whose official last day is Friday, April 14, has left to take an administrative assistant’s job for the Mackinac Island Police Department.

Davis told the Township Board she does have some experience in accounting for private firm. She and her husband moved to Watson only recently.

She was one of two applicants. The other was Nicole Jones, daughter of former Treasurer Sue Jones, whom Caulder defeated in the 2020 general election.

The vote was 3-0, with Trustees John Caras and Michelle Harris and Clerk Kelli Morris approving. Supervisor Kevin Travis and Caulder were absent.

Davis will serve at least until November 2024 and she is eligible to seek a full four-year term in the August primary election.

In other business at Thursday night’s meeting, the board:

  • Adopted a 2023-24 fiscal year budget of $421,305, with a fund balance of $466,172 and a general fund budget levy of 1.0091 mills. Also included are two road millages garnering $154,375 and $169,442 and a fire/ambulance budget of $265,233.
  • Hired Michael Villar as new township attorney, succeeding Tom Sivers.
  • Was told that the Planning Commission has submitted requests for two grants from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources for improvements and additions for the new Seven Generations Park on M-222. One grant would be for $200,000 with a $50,000 local match to build a 5K cross-country course, parking lot, fencing and pavilion.
  • Learned that the Planning Commission has granted, with conditions, a special use permit request from James Riemersma to mine gravel at 1943 122nd Ave. The site currently is not in use. The permit would be for 10 years on a 32-acre location.
  • Approved the bid from M & S Lawn Care Services for mowing at the township hall and Hicks and Miner cemeteries at a total cost of $12,006.
  • Learned from County Commissioner Gale Dugan that Sarah Clark has been introduced as the new emergency management director for Allegan County.

1 Comment

James. Baas
September 10, 2023
Watson Tshp. Should build first park on old Dump where PFAS. Was found.

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