The Watson Township Planning Commission next month may have a public hearing on a minimum size home ordinance.

Watson Township Trustee and Planning Commissioner Chuck Andrysiak told colleagues Thursday the proposed new rules would effectively no longer permit single-wide mobile homes because they would insist all homes be at least 22 feet wide.

Andrysiak acknowledged that single-wide trailers still be be legal under grandfathering, but, “If they want to update, they would have to update to double-wide homes.” He added that he hopes something could be worked out to makes the rules less harsh on current owners or occupants of single-wides.

There would be no change in the rules governing total square footage.

In other business at Thursday night’s meeting, the Township Board:

• Adopted a resolution supporting fellow townships in asking the Allegan County Road Commission to restore sharing, 50-50, costs in replacing and installing culverts 36 inches and greater. In days gone by, the Road Commission was supposed to pick up all the tab, but it was done at 50-50 until about 10 years ago when the Great Recession negatively impacted Road Commission coffers.

• Agreed to renews its insurance contract with The Michigan Township Association’s PAR Plan through Burnam and Flowers of Kalamazoo. The cost will be $4,360, about $100 more than last year.

• Agreed to pay Jesse Simpson up to $1,100 to spread gravel for Miner and Hicks cemeteries.

• Heard presentations from District Court Judge William Baillargeon on the current state of the court system and from State Rep. Mary Whiteford, who said her pressing tasks this summer will be Internet broadband for rural areas, mental health issues and the alarming increases i9n auto insurance rates. Whiteford even promised to look into doing something about the many fireworks complaints she has received district-wide.

PHOTO: Watson Township officials (from left) Kellie Morris, Michelle Harris, Kevin Travis and Sue Jones examined the township’s web site to see if Ken Pardee’s complaint that meeting notices are too well hidden. They agreed they are and pledge to make the appropriate change.

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