The Wayland A
thletic Boosters Club is undergoing some changes in the wake of the death last spring of President Tom Andrews.
Shelly Salisbury Whitley, who succeeded Andrews as Boosters president, and Mike Salisbury, the group’s new treasurer, outlined for the school board Monday night some of the activities and philosophies being implemented.
Salisbury said the Boosters in days gone by relied on revenue from a “Getaway Weekend” in Ohio, but that was discontinued. In its place, the the group now is planning a “Booster Bash” fund-raising event closer to home. The event is being planned for the last weekend in August at the Orchard Hills Golf Course.
Included in the bash for a $50 cost will be dinner, a raffle, golf and prize baskets.
Salisbury explained, “Tom (Andrews) wanted to re-create a revenue stream for the Boosters,” and this was determined to be a solid option.
Salisbury said the Boosters do not raise money to provide essentials for the high school and middle school sports programs, but try to help with incidentals. One recent example is helping pay for coaches to attend clinics.
However, the Boosters are looking into supporting a one-time $30,000 cost for improvements at the baseball infield.
The group also is monitoring closely any plans for the high school pool, football field improvements and repairs to cracks on the tennis court. The Wayland Board of Education appears to be taking preliminary steps toward seeking a bond issue to fund these improvements.
PHOTOS: Boosters President Shelly Salisbury Whitley
Boosters Treasurer Mike Salisbury