plankWayland High School Career Connections Academy students took part in team-building activities at YMCA Camp Manitou-Lin Thursday Oct. 8t.

About 60 students participated in low-ropes cooperative activities, a rock climbing challenge and a zip line descent from a 40-foot tower.  Students said they were extremely excited to attend the camp and very grateful to have the opportunity to spend the day together.

The instructors at the YMCA camp focused on five main concepts: caring, honesty, respect, responsibility and inclusion. After each activity, students participated in discussions that focused on these pillars of the YMCA’s philosophy.

All students were challenged to push their comfort levels on the rock wall and zip line activities, thus building confidence and self-esteem. The team-building activities focused on communication, cooperation, and group dynamics.

(Photo courtesy of Laurie Zywiczysnki)

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