The United ChurcRestrooms in parkh of Wayland told the City Council Monday night of its support for the city’s decision a year ago to switch from traditional to “family” restrooms in the City Park.

Six members of the church, including interim Pastor Tim Murtaugh, appeared at the council meeting to express appreciation two weeks after representatives from the Dutton Reformed Church showed up to oppose it.

Church member Gail Hollinger read from the text of a letter from the church, which said:

“We stand here tonight, representing the United Church of Wayland, which not only exists in the city of Wayland, but also is a church that will be using the park Aug. 21 for an outdoor service, as we have done several years in the past.

“We support your changing the restrooms into family facilities. With the opening of the splash pad and new play equipment, family use of the park has increased tremendously. Much of this use is from people with small children. Many young children, once done using the splash pad, want to get out of their wet suits. With the new family designation, it is possible for mom and/or dad to go with their children to help them change. They also do not need to be worried about their children going into the restroom while it is being used by someone they don’t know.

“The United Church of Wayland houses a Montessori preschool, and at times instructor Kathy Abts-Kerley, takes all these children down to the park to play and use the splash pad. Because of the age of these children, it is not unusual for them to need assistance in changing clothes and/or using the toilet. The family designation allows Kathy or her aides to assist these children without worrying about which restroom the children must use.

“It is our understanding that the city is looking into doing a survey to see how people are feeling about the new restroom designation. We’ve heard one possibility would be survey cards put at the park. This would be great, as long as you make sure to include people’s name and address on the card so you don’t have people improperly stuffing the box. It should be one family, one opinion.

“We’ve also heard the council might do a city-wide survey on this issue. We might ask you what you are looking for if you do this? When you changed the restrooms to the family designation, you brought the restrooms in line with your own non-discrimination ordinance, a very positive move. Though we would anticipate most families liking the family designation, what would you do if it comes out differently? It would then go against your own ordinance to change the facilities back.

“Another concern we have heard about is the long lines at the restrooms, particularly when you have a special activity, such as the car show at the park. This is a problem, but you as the City Council needs to address it, perhaps with temporary facilities such as porta-jons.

“It actually is a wonderful problem. Isn’t it great that the park is now being used by so many people? We’ve heard you’re looking at turning the existing facilities into four restrooms. Sounds like a good option. Should you choose to do this, we encourage you to follow your non-discrimination ordinance and make all four family restrooms.

Lastly, the United Church of Wayland wants to thank all of you for your dedication to making the city of Wayland a wonderful, fully inclusive and welcoming city to all.”

Two members of the Dutton Reformed Church appeared at the council’s July 18 meeting to protest the removal of designated “men’s” and “women’s” rest rooms, asserting they would make is easier for predators to attack women and children, though users can lock the bathroom doors behind them.

Hollinger, however, said she visited the rest rooms for the first time recently and remarked, “I was surprised that it wasn’t in a very cleanly state… It had a grubby look.”

Church member Pam McGill also offered praise to the city, “I thank you for the opportunity for us to have all-inclusive family rest rooms. In order to bring families to this community we need family-friendly facilities.”

City officials simply received the input and thanked church members.

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