It was “Adoption Night” for the Wayland City Council Monday evening, as four resolutions and an ordinance all got the green light.

Perhaps most significant was adopting a resolution to let out bids for bonds for the Main Street project now under way. The Michigan Department of Transportation is funding about half the costs for adding a left-turn lane on South Main from Sycamore Street to the south city limits along 133rd Avenue.

City Manager Josh Eggleston said the city will pay about $1.225 million for the project as a local match.

Another resolution was to permit the Allegan County Drain Commission to effect repairs on a drain along South Main on the east side, but to pick up $20,000 of the cost rather than have residents absorb special assessment costs.

Yet another was the agreement between the city and Wayland Union Schools to hire a school resource officer (SRO) wit the two entities sharing costs. The officer, who hasn’t yet been hired, will begin duties in August.

Police Chief Scott Matice said, “It’s a great partnership.”

The resolution that was the easiest to adopt was person station of a plaque honoring the Wayland High School Robotics team #6090 for winning its state championship last month and winning six of 10 matches at the world competition in Houston. (See cover photo)

Meanwhile, the council adopted a resolution for flood plain provisions.

A proposed ordinances that went though only a first reading a public hearing for for adoption of the fire code.

In other business at Monday’s meeting the council:

  • Approved the list of goals as outline in the strategic plan.
  • Approved the appointment of Mayor Pro Tem Joe Kramer as the city’s representative on the Wayland Area Emergency Services (WAEMS) board.
  • Reiterated that despite the detour signs and obvious construction work on South Main Street, businesses remain open and motorists will have access to their homes. 

1 Comment

Gary Burd
May 2, 2023
Why are your city streets in such terrible shape... and your water rates so high?

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