Wayland City Manager Josh Eggleston received a 2 percent salary increase by action of the City Council Monday night.
Eggleston, who was hired four years ago for an annual salary of $82,500, now makes $91,991.76. His raise will be effective in the next pay period.
In other business at Monday’s meeting, the council:
- Adopted an ordinance amendment to permit rezoning of a city-owned parcel rezoning request from Award Enterprises for a parcel at 1065 133rdAv. Award Enterprises, which plans to buy the site from the City of Wayland for about $150,000, was seeking rezoning from I-1 light industrial to RM multi-family residential to accommodate development of a residential subdivision.
Eggleston acknowledged, “There are some hindrances to industrial development” at the parcel.
- Agreed to drop snow plowing services for Dr. Bruce Sexton at the parking lot just to the northeast of the Library. Eggleston said the city formerly provided the service, but it just didn’t make sense any more as a matter of public policy.
- Decided to have Eggleston draft a proposed ordinance for the cultivation, processing, distribution and sale of marijuana in the city limits for discussion only.
Madison Nemecheck Was told by Eggleston that in anticipation of the State Boundary Commission’s Nov. 10 public hearing on proposed annexation, he will have an informal public meeting with property owners and citizens affected at 6 p.m. Thursday at City Hall.
- Welcomed student representative Madison Nemecheck, who will alternate with fellow WHS student Riley Slocum in the position.