The Wayland City PlPlan commissionanning Commission membership will be trimmed from nine to seven.

The City Council agreed to the change Monday night, though a provision that the mayor sit in as a voting member will not be included.

City Manager Mike Selden indicated all that will be necessary for the cutback will be an ordinance change, not a change in the city’s charter.

Councilwoman Jennifer Antel said she’s been satisfied with the Planning Commission’s performance and noted it has been getting along fine with just seven members, though authorized strength is nine.

But Antel said she’d like to see the mayor on the commission because he has a lot of experience in building.

Councilman Tim Rose said the mayor could serve on the commission and a change could be made easily if his successor doesn’t share the expertise and the interest.

However, Councilwoman Lisa Banas said the Planning Commission isn’t comfortable with one city official have the power to vote twice on the same issue.

The issue came up about a year and a half ago when it became apparent it was difficult to find qualified people to serve. Though seven members essentially have been able to handle matters, there were a couple of meetings in which only a quorum of five was available. With a seven-member commission, a quorum would be four.

Furthermore, fewer members on the Planning Commission would result in a cost savings for the city. Because commissioners get $38 per meeting and they meet monthly, reducing the body by two would result in a $912 decrease in expenses.

Chairman John Frigmanski has indicated he may have to step down once the sale of his business to his son is finalized. Frequent guest Abe Garcia already has been asked if would be willing to replace him, so prospects are good for continuing with seven commissioners.

After the vote, Selden said he would work with planning consultant Janis Johnson on the ordinance change.

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