Wayland Union High School has experienced an increase in in positive Covid-19 cases, causing the Allegan County Health Department to recommend it transition to remote learning beginning Monday, March 8.

The all-virtual learning will be for two weeks and students will be expected back in the classroom as of Monday, March 22.

The transition applies only to the high school. All other buildings in the school district will remain open for in-person classroom instruction five days a week.

During remote instruction, all extracurricular activities including athletics will be postponed or cancelled.

Speaking on behalf of the Wayland boys’ varsity basketball program, Nate Warsen said the freshman and junior varsity seasons have been canceled and the varsity will resume action March 22.

Wayland Union High School has been identified as having ongoing transmission, defined as multiple cases (three or more) among students or staff with onsets within a 14‐day period, who are epidemiologically-linked, do not share a household, and were not identified as close contacts of each other in another setting during standard case investigation or contact tracing.

There have been three identified separate outbreaks of two or more laboratory-confirmed cases in a 14-day period among students.

The high school students will return to in-person learning on Monday, March 22, 2021.


dennis longstreet
March 6, 2021
I took my wife to get her Covid vaccine shot today at WHS. A very well organized operation. People were kind and very helpful. Long lines but moved smoothly. I encourage everyone to sign up and get the vaccine. May be the best hour you spend in 2021. The only way to beat this is to fight back. Wear your mask untll you are told it is safe not to. Good health to all.
Don't Tread On Me
March 6, 2021
Give all thanks to President Trump for "Operation Light Speed" in getting the vaccine in your arms. Without his efforts, dementia Joe would be clueless, more than he is now!

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