Cody Cory-Lea Connolly, 26, of public_safetyWayland in Allegan County Court June 20 to up to 20 to 45 years in prison for attacking his wife last August.

Connolly was accused of beating his wife and recording her with a cell phone for two hours while she begged to be taken to a hospital.

Circuit Judge Margaret Bakker sentenced Connolly after he was convicted by an Allegan County jury of torture, assault with intent to commit great bodily harm, interfering with a crime report, aggravated domestic violence and interfering with electronic communications. He was acquitted of unlawful imprisonment and assault by strangulation.

Authorities alleged that Connolly attacked his wife, kicked down the home’s bathroom door, took her phone, putting his hands around her throat, then body slammed her onto the floor, breaking her pelvis. His cell phone recording was played in court revealing that the victim pleaded with Connolly to take her to the hospital, but he insisted first a story needed to be concocted so he could avoid going to jail or losing custody of his children, who weren’t home at the time.

Connolly eventually called his grandmother to drive him and his wife to the hospital.

Bakker said the recording suggested Connolly did not have remorse for what he had done.

Defense Attorney Matt Antkoviak told the judge his client had been a hardworking father of three and produced letters writtenby people testifying to Connolly’s good character.

Antkoviak said he Connolly had no previous felony record, but Bakker said his criminal record included three prior domestic violence convictions. She concluded he has serious problems with alcohol and violence and is a danger to women.


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