The Wayland Robotics team #6090 has just returned from their historic worlds competition in Houston after capturing the state championship earlier this month at Saginaw Valley State University. Team members shown in this photograph are Alex Cross, Isabel Cross, Zak Evans, Stephen Harnish, Alexandra Killips, Jack Lyons, Nathan Trumbull and Corin VanDenBrink. The local squad won six of 10 matches on the first two days and then was picked for an alliance for the third day. Mentors for the group are Kathy Cross, Terry Cross, Joe Harnish, Rod Killips, Mark Lyons, David Merice, Landon Kohtz, Keith Kohtz, Tammy Kohtz and Teresa MaKenzie Brown.


Bruce Schwartz
April 25, 2023
Melissa Jane Washburn
April 25, 2023
Way cool Yeah robotics team

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