The Wayland Union school district’s $19.25 million bond proposal was passed in Tuesday’s election by a margin of 51.6 percent yes to 48.4% no.

Unofficial tallies showed 1,387 voters in support and 1,250 opposed.

The positive vote means the school district next year can begin on building a sixth grade addition to Wayland Middle School, make improvements and upgrades at Pine Street Elementary and replace the tennis courts at the high school and middle school with a new 12-court facility to open up more parking.

The positive outcome was in startling contrast to the resounding defeat of two proposals last May, totaling $55 million. Both went down by about 2-to-1 margins.

The Wayland Board of Education then decided to come back in November with a pared down request, eliminating propositions for a new elementary, new swimming pool and new sod for the football field. The result was a plan that would mean no tax increases for residents, but an extension of the life of the bond.

Carrying the day for the bond proposal was a resounding 400 to 223 landslide in the City of Wayland, or about 64% to 36%. Leighton Township approved the measure only 238 to 214 and Wayland Township 275 to 264. Dorr Township voted in opposition 362 to 347 and Hopkins Township voted in down by a 24 to 17 count. Yankee Springs Township also voted down the proposal, by a 163 to 110 tally.


1 Comment

November 8, 2017
Good vote Wayland!

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