Wayland Union Schools has reported an update Friday on the status of Covid-19 cases in the system.

In a letter to parents posted on the district’s web site, Supt. Dr. Christina Hinds wrote:

“As we have experienced our first positive COVID-19 cases within our District, I would like to update you on our process for communication.

“As you can imagine, there are many details to consider as we navigate through previously uncharted waters. It was never the intent of the district to cause any additional stress or speculation, but rather to balance our commitment to getting important information out as quickly as possible while respecting the privacy rights of those who were affected. Now that we have received further clarification, we will be releasing the name of the building impacted by any further (new) confirmed positive cases.

“The impacted buildings this week are Pine Street Elementary and Steeby Elementary. Contract tracing has been completed by the Allegan County Health Department; therefore, if you haven’t been contacted by the school or by the health department, you were not identified as a close contact. Both of the impacted buildings have received additional deep cleaning, over and above the daily cleaning protocols and the deep cleaning that takes place each Wednesday.

“Each time we have a confirmed positive COVID-19 case, the district works directly with the Allegan County Health Department. We provide contact information as the health department requests and we act solely on their guidance. As each case is unique based on the onset of symptoms, exposures, etc., there is not one answer that fits for every case. The school will notify staff and/or parents of those identified as a direct contact with general information, and then Allegan County provides a direct contact via phone. Any students and staff who are identified as a direct contact will be directed by the health department to quarantine. A general district notice will be sent when there is a confirmed positive case and the COVID-19 Dashboard will be updated each Friday.

“For your review, I’ve attached several graphics created by the health department. Hopefully this will provide clarity as to the basis of our process and procedures.”

1 Comment

October 2, 2020
I would like to point out that the school's graphic mentions 0/0 students confirmed positive.

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