Linda Anderson Bensyl
Amy Nelson

The Wayland Union school district is examining an online application that promises students better access to virtual instruction.

Wayland High School math teachers Linda Anderson Bensyl and Amy Nelson demonstrated the program “SWIVL” in a video presentation for the Board of Education at its work session Monday evening.

After struggling through less than quality on-line instruction during the Covid viral pandemic last year, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction Teresa Fulk began to research ways to improve the process in case the school district is required to go back to virtual or hybrid models of schooling.

SWIVL promises “synchronous learning,” a more realistic classroom feel and it could be ideal for those who cannot attend personally.

Trustee Jason Shane said, “I like it because it enables better use of technology in cade of the need for virtual learning.”

Supt. Dr. Christina Hinds said, “This has great potential to change instruction,” but cautioned that live streaming the classroom experience to everyone could open the system up to mischief and hacking.

Board Vice President Peter Zondervan said the program isn’t likely to be appropriate for younger students, such as those in grades K-5.

Hinds added, “This is so new to our teachers and students and it’s (being introduced) during a very stressful time.”

The superintendent said the cost for the program is $182,000 and she would not want it purchased if it’s just going to gather dust.

Treasurer Toni Ordway commented, “I just want to make sure we are educating our students wherever they are.”

Board members expect more information and perhaps reviews from other districts that have used SWIVL.

In other business at Monday’s work session, the board:

  • Learned from Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations Pat Velie that the Wayland district now is approaching a fund balance of 16 percent of the total budget.
  • Was told by Velie that food service workers have agreed to a new contract reflecting a 2 percent raise and profit sharing provisions.
  • Delayed action on a proposal by Hinds to offer an additional 1.5% pay increase for building administrators, favoring instead awarding bonuses where appropriate for work above the call of duty.
  • Informally appointed Jason Shane to represent the board on a Fine Arts Committee if it becomes a reality.

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