New Wayland Union Schools Supt. Tim Reeves will represent the district next Monday night at the City Council meeting to decide whether or not the city will adopt an ordinance permitting the growing, processing, sale and distribution of recreational marijuana.
The Board of Education asked Reeves to tell the council about concerns with having such businesses too close to schools. The city right now is being presented with a proposed ordinance that insists on at least 200 feet between schools and such businesses.
Board Treasurer Pete Zondervan said, “I worry about the ability to control this from a safety standpoint… If we are quiet, it looks like we’re OK with it.”
Colleague Janelle Hott agreed, saying, “We’re concerned about the proximity.”
However, Trustee Norm Taylor, former superintendent and current council member, said he brought up the distance issue and was told that if the city insists on as much as 500 feet from a school, there wouldn’t be any businesses eligible except on Reno Drive.
Taylor said the 200-foot requirement already causes locations such as Bentley’s Party Store, Big Dipper ice cream shop, Papa Mineo’s Pizza and No. 1 Chinese Restaurant to be ineligible.
Vice President Cinnamon Mellema asked if the school board issued similar objections to the now defunct Jayda Gale liquor establishment and eatery at the corner of Pine and South Main streets.
Saying it’s a matter of fairness in treating alcohol and marijuana businesses the same, she said, “We have to be careful about what we regulate.”
Taylor said marijuana businesses now bring municipalities an average of $56,000 a year in revenue and they “are strictly regulated” by the state.
Board President Dan Casini said, “I don’t see the Wayland schools’ place in this matter.”
Nonetheless, council will receive Taylor and Reeves for discussion on the issue Monday, July 18.
In other business at Monday night’s meeting, the school board:
• Fielded a complaint from retiring Dorr Elementary physical education teacher Betty Onopa, who said she was happy that Michael Weber has been selected to be her replacement, but two teachers with little or no phys ed experience will share Weber’s old job.
“This could be a liability,” she told the board. We built a strong PE program. We’re not just glorified baby-sitters.”
Amy Nieuwenhuis, Otsego elementary physical education teacher, echoed Onopa’s criticism.
“I’m deeply disappointed with Wayland Schools for placing two classroom teachers in a physical education class.”
• Continued discussion about, but made no decision on hiring another public safety office to complement Mark Miller.
• Noted that the Citizens’ “Yes” Committee is sending postcards to all district voters to urge a positive vote on the Aug. 2 bond project proposal. The election is three weeks away.
In my opinion, the correct choice would be to inhibit any pot joints being in business within the City of Wayland. I suggest asking the patrol level deputies, troopers and police. I believe they would say, not here and not now. But follow the money, looks like the Wayland office wants it.
When is the correct time for the City of Wayland to get additional monies to operate?
Whether these businesses are allowed in Wayland or not the law enforcement agencies will still have the illegal drug trade to deal with.
Have to “snicker” when proximity to schools is interjected if a business like alchohol or marijuana wants to come to town.
” Little Johnny and Sally ” most likely see their parents, relation, and parents friends consuming these products at family functions or weekends currently.
Use all the myths, figures, and data you want. The City of Wayland will end up like Dorr Township did, chasing the Casino to establish in Wayland Township.
Yuph. Dorr won that one.
One may not like it, but legalized marijuana is here to stay. It is also true a vocal minority can chase revenue away from local governments. ( than the most vocal leave the area, their mission completed )
Who will be victorious in this issue ? Those that are progressive or the ignorant ( not in my neighborhood)