Dr. Christina Hinds

This week, our team has been continuing our work to create a plan which meets the needs of all students. We’ve met with our Return to School Committee and reviewed all of the survey responses. And now, I’m pleased to announce the Return to Learn Plan for Wayland Union Schools.

We found families need personal choice. A “one-size-fits-all approach” does not offer the flexibility our students and families need at this time. As you know your children best, during Phase 4, Wayland Union Schools will offer three different options:


1. Face-to-face instruction;

2. Wildcats Online; or

3. Virtual Academy of Allegan County (VAAC).

Families, the choice is yours. During these trying times, we want to offer a model which best supports your child(ren). We know face-to-face is ultimately what is best for our students; however, COVID-19 causes true barriers to the health and safety of our school community. Please review our website at https://waylandunion.org under the Return to Learn section for additional information.

To indicate the best model for your child(ren), please complete the Student Enrollment Form, located on our website, no later than Friday, Aug. 7. Please note: If the preference for in-person instruction exceeds our ability to provide a safe and healthy environment, we may need to consider a blended option of instruction (in-person and remote instruction). This decision would be made by early August.

As you listen to what other families are considering for their children, please be mindful that their choice may not align with your own. That’s OK. Let’s remember that we are Wayland UNION. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “union” is defined as “an act for instance of uniting or joining two or more things into one.” Although our beliefs, values, or opinions may differ, we stand together as WAYLAND UNION SCHOOLS.

Next week, on Thursday, July 30, at 7 p.m., we’ll celebrate the Class of 2020. Although we did not anticipate a drive-in ceremony, nor missing the typical senior year traditions, we will still honor the perseverance and the resilience of this class. Graduates will have a story they’ll share for years to come. Wishing the best in their chosen paths!

In summary, please select your enrollment option for Phase 4 no later than Aug.7. Also, please reach out through the Frequently Asked Questions form, also found on our website.

We will continue to update our website as additional information comes available. Thank you for your patience and flexibility in these past weeks.

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