It is an honor to serve you as the Superintendent of Wayland Union Schools. I am excited to begin this journey alongside each of you. During the next three months, I have established four goals:
- Prepare and initiate action for our return to school following all state and local guidance. Examine and assess the financial status of the district, and determine current specific budget issues in partnership with the assistant superintendent of finance and operations.
- Establish and maintain relationships with the Board of Education, administrators, teachers, staff, students, and the community;
- Begin to nurture trustworthy and authentic relationships with all constituents through visibility and communication through multiple channels.
- Hold “Listen and Learn” events with community, staff and students. Analyze results, share findings, and plan for next steps. I’m curious to know what is going well in Wayland Union Schools and learn about the stakeholder aspirations for our district moving forward.
As we are halfway through the summer, I would imagine you are wondering what school will look like in the fall. I am working closely with the Allegan County Superintendents Association to determine how area school districts will model instruction. Teresa Fulk, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, has been leading the AAESA Return to Learning-Instructional work group and Pat Velie, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations, has been leading the AAESA Return to Learning-Operational work group. Collectively, we are reviewing Governor Whitmer’s MI Safe Schools: Michigan’s 2020-2021 Return to School Roadmap to create a safe and healthy start for our students.
Administrators and Teachers will meet next week to review the Return to School Roadmap. Wayland Union Schools and all AAESA school districts are currently in Phase 4. This phase allows for face-to-face instruction with strict adherence to health protocols or a hybrid instructional model: face-to-face instruction combined with remote learning.
Please review the link for additional details outlined in the MI Safe Schools Return to School Roadmap. Many decisions are yet to be made for the Wayland Union School District. We are awaiting guidance from the Allegan County Health Department, as well as monitoring guidance published by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). As determinations are made, we will provide you with updates via Infinite Campus, our website, school app, and Facebook.
Please see the website for open office hours. Additional opportunities for “Listen and Learn” events will be published within the next few weeks. As we prepare for the return to school, please know the safety and well-being of our students and staff are of the utmost importance.
In partnership,
Dr. Christina M. Hinds
Wayland Union Schools Superintendent